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M&O FY2019/20 PY4 Annual Report.pdf
This report covers the period from April 2019 - March 2020
Handle: Document-87946
Owner: Vakhnina, Catherine (User-849, cvakhnina:LDAP)DS
Saturday, March 21, 2020 02:33:10 PM CDT
Saturday, March 21, 2020 02:33:10 PM CDT
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  • IceCube Maintenance and Operations
Fiscal Year 2019 / 2020 PY4 Annual Report April 1, 2019 – March 31 , 2020 Submittal Date: March 20 , 2020 ____________________________________ University of Wisconsin–Madison This report is submitted in accordance with the reporting requirements set forth in the IceCube Maintenance and Operations Cooperative Agreement, PLR-1600823.
  • A total amount of $7,000,000 was released to UW–Madison to cover the costs of maintenance and
operations in PY4 (FY2019/FY2020): $969,150 was directed to the U.S.
  • Common Fund account
based on the number of U.S.
  • Ph.D Authors in the last version of the institutional MoU’s, and the
remaining $6,030,850 was direc...
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Appears In: 2. M&O Annual Reports
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