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333 IceCube Fieldwork Plans 2021-2026 Slides
IceCube M&O activities 21-26
Handle: Document-87939
Owner: Hanson, Kael (User-71, kaeld:LDAP)DS
Wednesday, March 18, 2020 07:22:29 AM CDT
Wednesday, March 18, 2020 07:22:29 AM CDT
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  • IceCube A-333 Fieldwork Plans
Kael Hanson and the IceCube M&O Team IceCube Management and Operations NSF Field Work Planning March 18, 2020 Outline • The IceCube detector online systems.
  • Blue
line typically 99.8% represents fraction of time some (usually most) of IceCube online.
  • NSF Field Planning 2021-2026 || IceCube M&O
11 Ancillary IceCube Detector Elements Scintillators, ARA, Surface Radio NSF Field Planning 2021-2026 || IceCube M&O 12 Scintillators and Cosmic Ray Radio • 2014 support contractor ceased snow maintenance around IceTop tanks.
  • Other
seasons rolled into next cyc...
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333 IceCube Fieldwork Plans 2021-2026 Slides.pdf
Appears In: NSF Field Work FY21 - FY25 Discussion
Preferred Version: 333 IceCube Fieldwork Plans 2021-2026 Slides