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  Document 333 IceCube Fieldwork Plans 2021-2026 Slides

IceCube M&O activities 21-26

kaeld 03/18/20 7 MB
  Document A Surface Array Upgrade for Maintenance of the IceTop Detector

Feb 27, 2020 document with details of surface array

kaeld 03/18/20 8 MB
  Document CMB Presentation for ICNO Meeting 18-Mar-2020.pdf

Bradford Benson's talk

kaeld 03/18/20 16 MB
  Document IceCube_Gen2_notes on construction 1 kaeld 03/18/20 46 MB
  Document Major fieldwork SP-ASTRO projects FY2021-FY2025 Workbook kaeld 03/18/20 297 KB
  Document Upgrade Field Seasons Plan.pptx ffeyzi 03/18/20 6 MB