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Future detectors
Handle: Document-61200
Owner: Karle, Albrecht (User-29, karle:LDAP)DS
Sunday, June 3, 2012 05:53:29 PM CDT
Thursday, September 13, 2012 05:41:58 PM CDT
Modified By: Karle, Albrecht (User-29, karle:LDAP)DS
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  • The IceCube neutrino observatory, the largest detector with 1 Gton ice instrumented with 5160 optical sensors, has been in full operation since May 2011 and has already accumulated an unprecedented exposure to cosmic neutrino sources and atmospheric neutrinos from 10 GeV to 109 GeV.
  • The IceCube neutrino observatory, the largest detector with 1 Gton of instrumented ice, has been in full operation since May 2011 and has already accumulated an unprecedented exposure to cosmic neutrino sources and atmospheric neutrinos from 10 GeV to 109 GeV.
  • Neutrino telescopes, while initially not designed to probe lower energy atmospheric neutrino oscillations, have started to explore the energy range ...
A. Karle
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Appears In: Neutrino 2012
Preferred Version: Future detectors