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IceCube Upgrade PY3 Plan rev5.pdf
Handle: Document-88474
Owner: Feyzi, Farshid (User-1923, ffeyzi:LDAP)DS
Thursday, September 24, 2020 11:48:54 AM CDT
Thursday, September 24, 2020 11:48:54 AM CDT
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IceCube Upgrade PY3 Plan Draft rev5 September 21, 2020 Introduction The following sections describe the IceCube Upgrade project year 3 (PY3) plan starting in October 2020 and ending in September 2021.
  • The overall aim of the plan is to make as much technical progress as possible towards the original
installation schedule of seven strings in the 2022-2023 season.
  • The technical staff and infrastructure at collaborating institutions have
been functioning very effectively and should continue to do so in PY3.
  • The staff in the project office have been able to meet the needs of
the project and interact effectively with level 2 managers, the National Science Foundation and the ...
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IceCube Upgrade PY3 Plan rev5.pdf
Appears In: IceCube Upgrade Reports
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