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10. WBS and Reporting Structures of the US and In-Kind Contributions
Handle: Document-86167
Owner: Site Administrator (User-2, admin:DocuShare)DS
Friday, March 8, 2019 11:53:20 AM CST
Monday, March 11, 2019 11:13:01 AM CDT
Modified By: Vakhnina, Catherine (User-849, cvakhnina:LDAP)DS
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  • Kael Hanson / Catherine Vakhnina
March 11, 2019 WBS and Reporting Structures of the U.S.
  • and In-Kind Contributions
Overview / Objectives • Present the WBS for IceCube M&O • Give various views of labor resources in M&O • Show task-level breakdown with names and funding source • Explain bi-annual process of updating plan • Describe coordination committee that plans and allocates resources 3 WBS Dictionary IceCube Management and Operations WBS Dictionary Detailed IceCube M&O MoU Staffing Matrix by WBS and tasks IceCube M&O Staffi...
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IceCube MO WBS and Reporting Structures of US and In-Kind Contributions.pdf
Appears In: 13. March 2019
Preferred Version: 10. WBS and Reporting Structures of the US and In-Kind Contributions