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Handle: Document-61460
Owner: DeMerit, Jean (User-927, jdemerit:LDAP)DS
Thursday, June 28, 2012 01:35:11 PM CDT
Thursday, June 28, 2012 01:35:11 PM CDT
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  • : : : : : : : : : : : 42 x 5.3 Muon energy loss rate in ice for ionization, bremsstrahlung, pair and hadronic production respective for muon energy up to 105GeV .
  • : : : : : : : : : : : 43 5.4 Muon energy in IceCube Coordinates (the zero is 1948 meters from the ice surface) for vertical and 30?muons from simulation.
  • : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 94 7.2 The di?erence between the reconstructed surface energy and true energy in logarithmic scale versus the true energy.
  • A vertical iron shower produces about three times more muons with an energy su?cient to propagate 2000 meters in the ice than a vertical proton shower does for energies above1PeV.
  • The high energy muon bundles measured by ...
Chen Xu
Adobe Portable Document Format (.pdf) - application/pdf
Appears In: IceCube Theses
Preferred Version: Xu_thesis_2012