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Voge EG SN nu detector at the SP.pdf
extragalactic supernova
Handle: Document-61425
Owner: Kreiger, Kim (User-434, kkreiger:LDAP)DS
Tuesday, June 26, 2012 10:10:14 AM CDT
Tuesday, June 26, 2012 10:10:14 AM CDT
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  • 25� M? �leads� to� a� hypernova,� a� slow�rotating� one� might� collapse� to� a� black� hole� without� emitting� photons.� These� �dark�� SNe� or� failed� SNe� Fig.
  • 3: Number of detected photons as function of neutrino vertex position in clear ice Geometry optimization ?Optimizing� string� spacing� for� maximal�effective�volume/mass ?Diffuse�ice: ?Photon�detection�probability�high� due� to� large� absorption� length� and� short� scattering� length� � ?�over�10�Mton�possible ?But� photon� scattering� prohibits� directional�reconstructions� ?Clear�ice: ?Much� lower� eff.� mass� for� the� same�module�size�(red�curve) ?Scaling� each� module's� ...
  • Atmospheric� neutrinos15:� ?e/?e �component�...
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Voge EG SN nu detector at the SP.pdf
Appears In: Neutrino 2012
Preferred Version: Voge EG SN nu detector at the SP.pdf