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Hoshina Nu radiography.pdf

 Poster - Neutrino Radiography with IceCube Neutrino Observatory

Handle: Document-61309
Owner: Kreiger, Kim (User-434, kkreiger:LDAP)DS
Wednesday, June 13, 2012 12:46:18 PM CDT
Thursday, June 14, 2012 03:58:15 PM CDT
Modified By: Kreiger, Kim (User-434, kkreiger:LDAP)DS
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  • To obtain its density profile , however, one must assume a Geophysical Earth Model which depends on chemical components, temperature, etc.
  • Neutrino Radiography (measuring neutrino absorption to deduce column depth) on the other hand, gives density information that is totally independent of any geophysical model.
  • We use high-energy tail of atmospheric neutrino, for neutrino source, which is currently the unique available candidate for performing neutrino radiography.
  • High-energy atmospheric neutrinos are thus utilized for neutrino radiography of the core of the Earth.
  • Large energy loss with electro-magnetic showers Neutrino (Atmospheric) Muon path In order to perform neutrino ...
Kotoyo Hoshina, Hiroyuki K.M. Tanaka
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Hoshina Neutrino Radiography.pdf
Appears In: Neutrino 2012
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