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Resconi Grant PINGU.pdf

 Poster - PINGU (Precise IceCube Next-Generation Upgrade)

Handle: Document-61293
Owner: Kreiger, Kim (User-434, kkreiger:LDAP)DS
Wednesday, June 13, 2012 10:39:05 AM CDT
Wednesday, June 13, 2012 10:39:05 AM CDT
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  • Atmospheric Neutrinos: ~100 GeV atmospheric neutrino-induced CASCADES Atmospheric Neutrinos: ~10-50 GeV staee A.
  • Grosndas for IceCrubd e, this neutrconference ino oscillation Systematic Uncertainties From DeepCore to PINGU PINGU: Geometry and Effective volume Performances required for PINGU in order to access precision measurements like the neutrino mass hierarchy: - Effective volume: ~ Megaton (at few GeV) ? To be demonstrated in on-going feasibility studies: - Neutrino energy resolution: ~ 5 GeV (under study) - Neutrino zenith resolution: < 20o (under study) - Neutrino flavor identification: electron/tau vs muon (under study) - Non correlated systematic uncertainties: < 10% (under ...
Darren Grant, Elisa Resconi
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Resconi Grant PINGU.pdf
Appears In: Neutrino 2012
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