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Brijn SN Detection.pdf

 Poster - Supernova Detection with IceCube and Beyond

Handle: Document-61291
Owner: Kreiger, Kim (User-434, kkreiger:LDAP)DS
Wednesday, June 13, 2012 10:31:14 AM CDT
Wednesday, June 13, 2012 10:31:14 AM CDT
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  • (LMC/ SMC: Large/Small Magellanic Cloud) Figure 2: Expected rate distribution at 10 kpc supernova distance assuming normal and inverse hierarchies Figure 3: Ratios of rates nearest-neigbour (1,1) and double hit (2,0) coincidences over single hit rate (1,0) in IceCube as function of neutrino energy.
  • Dashed lines are cosmic ray muon hits for IceCube (red), DeepCore(brown) and Deep and Dense (purple) Figure 10: Distributions of the number of coincident DOMs.
  • Thick lines indicate cosmic ray muon hits, thin lines indicate supernova neutrino hits.
  • IceCube: muons (red) ,neutrinos (blue), Deep and Dense: muons (purple), neutrinos (green).
  • Here, we study correlated noise from cosmic ray muons ...
R. Bruijn, V. Baum, D. Heereman
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Appears In: Neutrino 2012
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