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Handle: Document-87863
Owner: Halzen, Francis (User-112, halzen:LDAP)DS
Friday, March 13, 2020 08:33:54 AM CDT
Friday, March 13, 2020 12:37:34 PM CDT
Modified By: Madsen, Jim (User-61, madsen:LDAP)DS
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  • Feb24-Mar1, 2020
IceCube: Closing in on Cosmic Ray Accelerators francis halzen • cosmic neutrinos: four independent observations à muon neutrinos through the Earth à starting neutrinos: all flavors à high energy tau neutrinos à a Glashow event • where do they come from? IceCube: Closing in on Cosmic Ray Accelerators francis halzen • cosmic neutrinos: four independent observations à muon neutrinos through the Earth à starting neutrinos: all flavors à high energy tau neutrinos à a Glashow event • where do they come from? M77 TXS 0506 PKS 1424+240 GB9 we identified a source of high energy cosmic rays: the active gal...
Adobe Portable Document Format (.pdf) - application/pdf
Appears In: NSF Site Visit Mar2020 M&O Talks
Preferred Version: 1.IC_M&O_Science_NSF_Mar2020.pdf