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Mase Search for EHE cosmogenic nus.pdf

 Poster -A search for the Extremely High-Energy Cosmogenic Neutrinos with the IceCube 2010-2011 Data

EHE Extremely High Energy Cosmogenic
Handle: Document-61295
Owner: Kreiger, Kim (User-434, kkreiger:LDAP)DS
Wednesday, June 13, 2012 10:55:20 AM CDT
Wednesday, June 13, 2012 10:55:20 AM CDT
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  • Black: one tenth of observation test data, magenta and blue: atmospheric muon MC (pure iron and proton respectively), green: atmospheric coincident muon MC, dashed black: atmospheric neutrino MC (Bartol (2004)) and red: GZK signal MC (S.
  • An example of the Isolated DOM cleaning to a coincident event (Same event as shown below left) Zenith angle distributions (SPE12) after applying coincidence event cleaning methods.
  • [1]) Zenith angle (SPE12) vs NPE for backgrounds (atmospheric muons (pure iron) + atmospheric coincident muons + atmospheric neutrinos (Bartol (2004)) Zenith angle (SPE12) vs NPE for one tenth of observation test data The effective area and the sensitivity with the final ...
Keiichi Mase
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Mase Search for EHE cosmogenic nus.pdf
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