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2a. IceCube M&O Staffing Matrix sort by WBS v9.0 2010.0915.xls
This spreadsheet can be filtered by WBS, Institution, Labor Category and Name

Handle: Document-56000
Owner: Site Administrator (User-2, admin:DocuShare)DS
Wednesday, September 15, 2010 01:48:14 PM CDT
Friday, March 8, 2019 01:53:24 PM CST
Modified By: Help Desk Manager, WIPAC IT (User-1818, helpdeskmanager:LDAP)DS
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Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet (.xls, .xlw, .xlt, .xla) - application/
IceCube M&O Staffing Matrix sort by WBS v9.0 2010.0915.xls
Appears In: MOU Scope of Work v09.0 September 15, 2010
Preferred Version: 2a. IceCube M&O Staffing Matrix sort by WBS v9.0 2010.0915.xls