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Building IceCube a neutrino telescope at the South Pole - Second Half
Handle: Document-51134
Owner: Cherwinka, Jeff (User-263, jeffc:LDAP)DS
Tuesday, September 15, 2009 09:44:49 AM CDT
Tuesday, September 15, 2009 10:00:39 AM CDT
Modified By: Cherwinka, Jeff (User-263, jeffc:LDAP)DS
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  • It slowly freezes and shrinks Hot Water Drilling makes water filled holes quickly Space Place � Jeff Cherwinka, March 9th, 2004 That�s a gallon of ice for every one in the State of New York Enhance Hot Water Drill (EHWD) System Requirements Drill 80 Holes? Wednesday Nite at the Lab � Jeff Cherwinka, April 8th, 2009 PreHeat System Controls transfer of water from Water Tank 1 to Water Tank 2.
  • Maintains Water Tank 2 at 70� F.
  • Filters drill water Purifies water for IceTop with RO Small & large heaters.
  • Firn Drill Deep Drill Wednesday Nite at the Lab � Jeff Cherwinka, April 8th, 2009 Independent Firn Drill Wednesday Nite at the Lab � Jeff Cherwinka, April 8th, 2009 Drill & Deploy Times 0:00 ...
Jeff Cherwinka
Microsoft Power Point (.ppt, .pot) - application/
Appears In: Building IceCube a neutrino telescope at the South Pole
Preferred Version: Wed_Nite_Lab_talk_H2b.ppt