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MO Closeout.docx
Handle: Version-104374
Owner: Hanson, Kael (User-71, kaeld:LDAP)DS
Wednesday, October 30, 2019 10:22:01 AM CDT
Monday, November 11, 2019 12:15:17 PM CST
Modified By:
- M&O Closeout 1. - M&O is going well with a staffing level of ~ 100 FTE’s. - The in-kind contributions to the data analysis are large. - 3. - A significant fraction of the simulation effort needed for extracting the physics from the raw data is provided by in-kind contributions from the IceCube collaboration. - 5. The latest stand-alone time-integrated point source search based on 10 years of data includes a three sigma post-trial identification of M77 as neutrino emitter. The data from the Upgrade project when completed has the potential of determining the unitarity of the mixing matrix, and the mass hierarchy in combination with other experiments. 8. The Panel encourages IceCube ...
Appears In: MO Closeout.docx