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Handle: v_Document-91973
Owner: Raab, Christoph (User-1051, chraab:LDAP)DS
Tuesday, July 11, 2023 07:24:28 AM CDT
Tuesday, July 11, 2023 07:24:28 AM CDT
Modified By:
- IceCube Name: Detections: experiment name messengers location score IceCube Masterclass Multimessenger Ice Breaker Neutron Star merger gravitational waves, gamma rays neutrinos, cosmic rays Name: Detections: source class messengers score Nick nederlands, franc¸ais name languages What this is for: When the masterclass students start showing up in the morning, they're usually tired and surrounded by strangers in an unfamiliar environment. - How to play: Every player carries a name tag, which is structured this way: with an explanation on the back side. - This way they start talking to each other and continue to do so, spurred on by the competition. - Interesting e...
Appears In: rules_reference.pdf