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Responses to Questions to ICNO_M&O.pdf
Handle: v_Document-87970
Owner: Hanson, Kael (User-71, kaeld:LDAP)DS
Wednesday, April 8, 2020 03:47:33 PM CDT
Wednesday, April 8, 2020 03:47:33 PM CDT
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- Responses to “Questions to ICNO/M&O” Questions dated March 17, 2020 The responses below address questions asked by the NSF Integrated Project Team as part of the March 17, 2020 NSF Annual Site Visit of the IceCube Neutrino Observatory (ICNO) Management and Operations (M&O). - Question #1: What does the current M&O computing infrastructure consist of? It is used to verify changes to SPS infrastructure, e.g. - master clock replacement, lifecycle burn-in testing, DAQ development, etc. - It has three primary responsibilities: 1. - Provide the common base of offline processing of experimental raw data to a level usable by analyzers for higher-level analysis; 2. - Production of Mont...
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