1. Evaluation form for students


Evaluation form for students

a)   What grade are you in? ______________


b)   Are you male or female? ______________
c)   Where did you hear about this masterclass?
d)   Tell us about your motivation to participate in the IceCube Masterclass (select all that apply)

i. I was curious about the format
ii. I wanted to learn more about IceCube
iii. I love science
iv. I´m interested in physics and astrophysics
v. I wanted to meet real researchers
vi. Other: specify
e) General assessment of the masterclass: “The schedule was well-organized.” (select only one option)
i. I strongly disagree
ii. I disagree
iii. I agree
iv. I strongly agree
f) Assess each event. Give a mark from A to E: A - excellent, B - above average, C - average, D - below average, E - very bad!
i. South Pole webcast
ii. Lectures
iii. Analysis activities
iv. Virtual sessions with peers from Delaware
g) What did you like most about the masterclass?
h) What did you like least about the masterclass?
i) What were the two things (bits of knowledge, or experiences) that you think you’ll most remember from this masterclass?
j) Do you think your experience today will help you with school science classes? (select only one option)
Yes No  Not Sure
i. Why/why not?
k) Did the masterclass make you feel … (select only one option)
i. More interested in studying science  
ii. The same, I already wanted to study science  
iii. The same, I don’t want to study science  
iv. Less interested in studying science  
l) Did the masterclass make you feel  hat ...  (select only one option)
i. I am more likely to consider a career in science  
ii. I am less likely to consider a career in science
iii. I already knew that I wanted to work in science
iv. I already knew that I didn’t want to work
m) Had you heard of IceCube before this masterclass?
Yes No
n) What do you think of IceCube’s research?  
o) Would you recommend the IceCube Masterclass to other students? (select only one option)
Yes No  Not Sure
i. Why/why not?
p) Do you have any other comments or suggestions that you´d like to share with us?

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