1. IceCube Institutional Memorandum Of Uderstanding (MOU)
    2. Faculty:
    3. Scientists and Post Docs:

IceCube Institutional Memorandum Of Uderstanding (MOU)


Southern University
(Ali Fazely) 4 (3 1 0) 
2.1 Program Management
2.2 Detector Operations & Maintenance
2.3 Computing & Data Management
2.4 Triggering & Filtering
2.5 Data Quality, Reconstruction & Simulation Tools

note 1
note 2
note 3

(1). Monitoring  
    (2). LONI grid computing  
    (3). CORSIKA for IceCube / IceTop; GEANT for IceCube    


Ali R. Fazely -- Detector Simulations, Analysis tools, Geant/GCALOR. (0.3 FTE) Source of Support: SUBR Faculty, Summer salary:NSF/EPSCoR, NASA

Samvel Ter-Antonyan --IceTop Simulation/Reconstruction. CORSIKA (0.3FTE), Source of Support: SUBR Faculty, Summer salary, NSF/EPSCoR

Richard L. Imlay -- Detector Simulations, Analysis tools, Geant/GCALOR (0.3FTE). Source of Support: IceCube M&O



Scientists and Post Docs:

Xianwu Xu – Detector Simulations, Analysis tools, Geant/GCALOR. LONI and Southern Katrina Dell -cluster (0.3FTE). Source of Support: Internal funding from Southern.


Note, every member of Southern group, except Richard Imlay is supported through non-IceCube funding and therefore should be considered as in-kind contribution.




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