1. Faculty:
    2. Scientists and Post Docs:
    3. Graduate Student:

Last Updated: May 1, 2009-05-03

IceCube Institutional Memorandum Of Uderstanding (MOU)




Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory                       
(Spencer Klein) 7 (3 4 1)
2.1 Program Management
2.2 Detector Operations & Maintenance
2.3 Computing & Data Management
2.4 Triggering & Filtering
2.5 Data Quality, Reconstruction & Simulation Tools

note 1
note 2
note 3
note 4
Note 5

  (1). Chair of Publications Comm.  
  (2). Run Coordinator (A. Goldschmidt, 0.5, core); BadDomList (J. Kiryluk, 0.2); Flasher Runs (J. Kiryluk 0.1); Monitoring (M) 0.09 , Track Engine Trigger (0.1), DAQ Software Systems (Keith B 0.15 core in FY10 only)  
  (3). Simulation production  
  (4). Chair of cascade working grp.  
  (5) Stijn Buitink to take over DOM simulator & calibrator; Klein diffuse co-chair pro-tem    

LBNL built the DOM main boards, and many of our service tasks are related to that; we are responsible for DOMsimulator and DOMcalibrator (S. Buitink), and work on flasher calibrations, where the original goal was to measure the electronics performance. This includes work on the new (for IC59) SLC isolated hits, an improved baseline determination (needed for accurate charge determination) and a possible improved model for fADC pulse shapes. Our other service activities include serving as run coordinator (A. Goldschmidt), chairing the publications committee and the cascade working group (S. Klein), work on verification and monitoring (mostly J. Kirylyuk), studies of hole ice (L. Gerhardt), and work on reconstruction algorithms (J. Kiryluk, L. Gerhardt), and work on the track engine trigger (D. Nygren). L. Gerhardt, in particular, is developing reconstruction algorithms for two parallel tracks, as are found in air showers with high transverse momentum muons, and pairs of upgoing particles that are predicted in some models of supersymmetry. J. Kiryluk also maintains the software to handle templates that are serve as reference data for IceCube data verification efforts.

Our analysis efforts are focused in several areas. The first a search for extraterrestrial neutrinos, especially cascades. The second is a search for atypical cosmic-ray showers; events with high transverse momentum muons in showers and photon-initiated showers with a very low muon content. We are also interested in upgoing muon pairs, a signature for new physics (the techniques for this are similar to those used for high transverse momentum muons.

We use the National Energy Research Supercomputer Center (NERSC) ‘PDSF (Parallel Distributed Systems Facility) to produce Monte Carlo event samples; this has mostly been cascade signal events. J. Kiryluk maintains the PDSF software installation and coordinates this production. The hardware is maintained by NERSC.


R. Stokstad – timing calibrations

D.R. Nygren – Executive committee, “Track Engine” trigger

S.R. Klein - Cascade channel working group, Chair pub. Com., diffuse wg co-lead

Scientists and Post Docs:

Azriel Goldschmidt - Run Coordinator

Lisa Gerhard - Studies of hole ice, double muon reconstruction; studies of high transverse momentum muons

Joanna Kiryluk - verification software, cascade reconstruction software and event selection, flasher analysis, L2 for cascades, simprod on PDSF, searches for diffuse neutrinos

Stijn Buitink – DOM simulator & DOM calibrator, gamma-initiated showers, either point source or diffuse


Graduate Student:

Sandy Miarecki – parallel muon selection algorithms; searches for dimuon events from supersymmetry

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