1. IceCube Institutional Memorandum Of Uderstanding (MOU)
    2. Faculty:
    3. Scientists and Post Docs:
    4. Students:
      1. Resource contribution to Computing by the Bonn IceCube Group and the University

IceCube Institutional Memorandum Of Uderstanding (MOU)


Universität Bonn
(Marek Kowalski)

1 (1 1 2)
2.1 Program Management
2.2 Detector Operations & Maintenance
2.3 Computing & Data Management
2.4 Triggering & Filtering
2.5 Data Quality, Reconstruction & Simulation Tools

note 1
note 2
note 3
note 4

(1). Kowalski (pubcom member, 0.1; Host Fall 2009 Collab. Meeting, 0.1)  
    (2). Monitoring  
    (3). Kowalski (point source wg co-lead, 0.25 and TFT board member, 0.1); IC59 pole filter (Sebastian, 0.05), Alert system for follow-up (Franckowiak, 0.2)  
    (4) Reconstruction tools    


Marek Kowalski - pubcom, TFT, point source-wg co lead, coordination with ROTSE


Scientists and Post Docs:

N.N.– senior postdoc position starting fall 2009



Sebastin Panknin – Level 3 cascade reconstruction, IC59 cascade pole filter

Anna Franckowiak – detector verification, operation of optical follow-up

Jakob van Santen (diploma student)– development of cascade resconstruction tools








Resource contribution to Computing by the Bonn IceCube Group and the University

The installment and operation of the computing cluster includes:

1.  Hardware for a new IceCube Computer Cluster (start-up funds from the University)

2.  High quality Computing Space, cooling, power & network (provided by Physics Institute)

3.  System administration (.3 FTE sys-admin) (start-up funds from the University)


1., Hardware for a new IceCube Computer Cluster

As part of the start-up package, the University Bonn supports the installment of a computer cluster that is dedicated to IceCube research. The budget for the hardware is 250.000 Euro and will be funded in equal shares by the University and the DFG, assuming successful evaluation of the proposal to the DFG. While a positive evaluation of the proposal is very likely, the funds will not become available before 2010.


2 Computing Space, cooling and power & Networking

The Physics Institute provides high quality space, cooling and power. The IceCube group is provided with space locally in the PI, that is dedicated and well suited for intensive research computing (i.e. high-bandwidth connections & cooling facilities are available). The facility is currently hosting the 800-node cluster of the ATLAS groups. The University carries electricity costs that arise due to operation of the cluster.


4. System administration

The Bonn University provides 17kEuro per year in funding. The system administration for the computing cluster will be approximately .3 FTE, financed through IceCube start-up funds obtained from the University (i.e. 17.000 kEuro per year for 3 years). The administration of the cluster will be a joined effort with the ATLAS-HEP groups at the PI (joined effort is 1 FTE). If there is need for further system administration it will be provided from within the IceCube group.




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