1. IceCube Institutional Memorandum Of Uderstanding (MOU)
    2. Faculty:
    3. Scientists and Post Docs:
    4. Grad Students:
      1. UMD General M&O (non-science) IceCube Resposibilities and Contributions:
      2. Institutional (UMD) resource contribution to Computing:

Last updated on: May 4, 2009


IceCube Institutional Memorandum Of Uderstanding (MOU)


  University of Maryland
(Greg Sullivan)

 7 (4 3 6)
2.1 Program Management
2.2 Detector Operations & Maintenance
2.3 Computing & Data Management
2.4 Triggering & Filtering
2.5 Data Quality, Reconstruction & Simulation Tools

note 1
note 2
Note 3
note 4
note 5

(1). 0.20 member ExecCom (Sullivan); 0.1 member pubcom (Olivas), 0.2 detector R&D (Hoffman) 0.1 outreach (sullivan, goodman, ehrlich, blaufuss, hoffman)  
    (2). PnF, 0.2 (core ); on-line filter testing, 0.25 grad student; 0.09M  
    (3) Core software, 0.75 grad student, 0.15 Blaufuss; Sim-prod, 0.25 grad student  
    (4). TFT chair (Blaufuss, 0.3 core) + 0.2 grad student; muon channel-wg chair (Hoffman 0.25), exotics-wg chair (Olivas 0.25),  
    (5) 0.4 (core) + 0.5 (maintain IceSim), .5 postdoc/grad student (develop & test reconstruction)    


Greg Sullivan (L,+) - Data Systems, ExecCom, ICB, Institution lead, Outreach

Kara Hoffman   - Mu channel wg lead, filter development, Radio R&D, Outreach

Jordan Goodman – Coordination with Milagro/HAWC, Outreach

Robert Ellsworth – Coordination with Milagro/HAWC, Mentoring students

Scientists and Post Docs:

Erik Blaufuss  - Chair TFT board; PnF, IceTray, SVN repository, Operations Group

Alex Olivas - Software management, exotics wg lead, reconstruction

Henrike Wissing – atmospheric monitoring, reconstruction, simulation

Grad Students:

Ralf Ehrlich – Core software, Outreach

Phil Roth – filter verification, filter development

Kevin Meagher – Offline Processing development & testing, filter development

Brian Christy  - Filter development, Simulation production coordination

Peter Redl – simulation, reconstruction tools, filter development, online filter testing

Warren Huelsnitz – production processing, reconstruction, DRM firmware

UMD General M&O (non-science) IceCube Resposibilities and Contributions:

The Maryland Group’s major responsibilities and contributions towards maintenance and operations of the IceCube experiment include:

·   Primary institutional responsibility for the maintenance of the online PnF filter system.

·   Primary institutional responsibility for the maintenance of the IceTray analysis framework, SVN code repository and software package building.

·   Major responsibility for the maintenance of the IceCube simulation package (IceSim).

·   The Maryland group maintains a computing cluster of approximately 280 cpu cores and online disk storage of approximately 100TB dedicated to IceCube activities. A minimum of 140 cpu cores (50%) are reserved for dedicated simulation production under the coordination of the IceCube simulation production manager. There are also GRID resources on campus that we are investigating.

Institutional (UMD) resource contribution to Computing:

The maintenance and operation of the computing cluster includes:

1.  High quality Computing Space, cooling and power (provided by UMD)

2.  Networking and high speed connectivity to the Internet (provided UMD)

3.  System administration (.5 FTE sys-admin) (partial support by UMD)

4.  Hardware maintenance on a 5-year replacement cycle of $40k/year (partial support by UMD).

1. & 2. Computing Space, cooling and power & Networking and high speed connectivity to the Internet

The University of Maryland provides high quality space, cooling and power. The IceCube group is provided essentially unlimited space in a modern HPC computing facility for research computing on campus. The facility is monitored 24/7 by provided technicians and we have 24/7 secure access. The current system occupies 10 rack spaces with additional space set aside for possible expansion. Maryland is a major hub for the Internet-2 backbone in the northeast US. The University provides a 10 Gb/s fiber connection directly from the interenet-2 backbone into our cluster in the research computing facility. In addition, the university provides a dedicated fiber between the research computing facility and our research group in the physics building.

3. & 4. System administration & Hardware maintenance on a 5-year replacement cycle

The University of Maryland provides $45k per year in funding to be used towards the total. The system administration is approximately .5 FTE and includes administration for the computing cluster as well as about 1 dozen workstations used by the PA group. The hardware maintenance for the compute cluster is $40k per year.



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