1. 19_20
  2. 21_22
  3. 22_23
  4. 20_21 Hutch
  5. 20_21

  A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S
1 Count Event # Name E-Mail address Broad Support Type Role / details Background Institution First timer? Labor Type Ticket Type Pipeline - PQ Packet Sent Current SIP - PQ Status Pipeline - CHC to ZCM Arrival at Pole (depends on Herc) Departure from Pole (depends on Herc) Pipeline - ZCM to CHC Days at Pole Comments
2 1 A-333-S John Kelley jkelley@icecube.wisc.edu M&O M&O Lead / FieldHub upgrade, assorted tasks Scientist UW-Madison No M&O Comm 5/9/2019 8/16/2020 16-Dec-19 17-Dec-19 4-Jan-20 6-Jan-20 18  
3 2 A-333-S Matt Kauer mkauer@icecube.wisc.edu M&O Scintillator Lead / panel refurb Scientist UW-Madison No M&O Comm 5/9/2019 9/11/2020 30-Dec-19 31-Dec-19 30-Jan-20 31-Jan-20 30  
4 3 A-333-S Frank Schroeder fgs@udel.edu M&O Radio SME / panel refurb Scientist U-Delaware Yes M&O Self 5/13/2019 10/22/2020 7-Jan-20 8-Jan-20 30-Jan-20 31-Jan-20 22  
5 4 A-333-S Ralf Auer rauer@icecube.wisc.edu M&O WO Mgr / assorted tasks Prof UW-Madison No M&O Comm 5/9/2019 6/26/2020 6-Nov-19 7-Nov-19 4-Jan-20 6-Jan-20 58  
6 5 A-333-S Anna Pollmann anna.pollmann@uni-wuppertal.de M&O SpiceCORE2 Postdoc Wuppertal No M&O Self 5/9/2019 9/6/2020 18-Nov-19 19-Nov-19 16-Dec-19 17-Dec-19 27  
7 6 A-333-S Andrew Shultz andjshultz@gmail.com M&O SpiceCORE3 Student Kansas Yes M&O Comm 7/17/2019 10/24/2020 25-Nov-19 26-Nov-19 19-Dec-19 20-Dec-19 23  
8 7 A-333-S Dave Glowacki dglo@icecube.wisc.edu M&O DAQ SME / WO support Prof UW-Madison No M&O Comm 7/8/2019 12/15/2019 11-Nov-19 12-Nov-19 28-Nov-19 29-Nov-19 16  
9 8 A-333-S Jim Koehler koehlerdesignworks@gmail.com M&O IDDO SpiceCORE1 Lead Prof IDDO No M&O Comm 6/20/2019 9/26/2020 18-Nov-19 19-Nov-19 19-Dec-19 20-Dec-19 30  
10 9 A-333-S Matthias Plum matthias.plum@icecube.wisc.edu M&O IceACT Lead Postdoc Marquette Yes M&O Comm 7/9/2019 9/23/2020 7-Jan-20 8-Jan-20 30-Jan-20 31-Jan-20 22  
11 10 A-333-S Chris Tung ctung6@gatech.edu M&O Helper1 / DOMHub, calibration Student Georgia Tech Yes M&O Comm 7/11/2019   16-Dec-19 17-Dec-19 4-Jan-20 6-Jan-20 18 John's partner
12 11 A-333-S Marie Oehler marie.oehler@kit.edu M&O Helper2 / IceACT, Scint support Student KIT Yes M&O Self 7/10/2019 10/17/2020 7-Jan-20 8-Jan-20 30-Jan-20 31-Jan-20 22 Matt's partner
13 12 A-333-S Jannes Brostean-Kaiser jannes@physik.hu-berlin.de M&O SpiceCORE4 Student DESY Zeuthen Yes M&O Self 7/17/2019 10/18/2020 18-Nov-19 19-Nov-19 16-Dec-19 17-Dec-19 27  
14 13 A-333-S Steve Sclafani steve.sclafani@icecube.wisc.edu M&O Helper3 / Server replacement Student Drexel Yes M&O Self 7/10/2019 8/13/2020 11-Nov-19 12-Nov-19 10-Dec-19 11-Dec-19 28 Ralf's partner
15 14 A-333-S Yuya Makino ymakino@icecube.wisc.edu M&O Winterover1 Prof UW-Madison Yes M&O Comm 2/22/2019 8/21/2020 4-Nov-19 5-Nov-19 31-Oct-20 1-Nov-20 361  
16 15 A-333-S John Hardin john.hardin@icecube.wisc.edu M&O Winterover2 Prof UW-Madison Yes M&O Comm 2/25/2019 5/23/2020 4-Nov-19 5-Nov-19 31-Oct-20 1-Nov-20 361  
17 16 A-333-S Jocelyn Argueta M&O PolarTREC teacher Prof UW - River Falls Yes M&O Comm 7/25/2019 9/24/2020 28-Nov-19 30-Nov-19 27-Dec-19 28-Dec-19 27  
18 1 A-334-S (ZCM and NPX) Dennis Duling dulingde@yahoo.com Drilling Drill Lead1 Prof UW-Madison No Project Comm 5/10/2019 17-Sep-20 10/23/2019 24-Oct-19 30-Jan-20 31-Jan-20 98 Dennis & Barb work with Rick Abrams & Darrell in McMurdo on Generators (most of November)
19 2 A-334-S Mike Zernick mzernick@icecube.wisc.edu Mgmt&Safety Quality & Safety Mgr2a Prof UW-Madison No Project Comm 5/14/2019 10/22/2020 18-Nov-19 19-Nov-19 12-Dec-19 13-Dec-19 23 1st 1/2 season, split with Barb
20 3 A-334-S Barb Birrittella bbirrittella@wisc.edu Drilling Driller2b Prof UW-Madison No Project Comm 5/10/2019 9/4/2020 6-Nov-19 7-Nov-19 19-Dec-19 20-Dec-19 42 2nd 1/2 season, split with Mike (in McMurdo Nov 3-Dec-3)
21 4 A-334-S Delia Tosi detosi@icecube.wisc.edu Drilling Driller3a Prof UW-Madison No Project Comm 5/14/2019 8/7/2020 25-Nov-19 26-Nov-19 4-Jan-20 6-Jan-20 39 1st 1/2 season, split with Andy
22 5 A-334-S Andy Laundrie awlaundrie@wisc.edu Drilling Driller3b Prof UW-Madison No Project Comm 5/10/2019 9/20/2020 16-Dec-19 17-Dec-19 30-Jan-20 31-Jan-20 44 2nd 1/2 season, split w/Delia
23 6 A-334-S Kael Hanson kael.hanson@icecube.wisc.edu Mgmt&Safety PI4a Prof UW-Madison No Project Comm 5/10/2019 10/25/2020 13-Nov-19 14-Nov-19 2-Dec-19 3-Dec-19 18 1st 1/2 sessaon
24 7 A-334-S Paul Wisneiwski pawnipi@gmail.com Drilling Driller4b Prof UW-Madison No Project Comm 5/16/2019 8/19/2020 16-Dec-19 17-Dec-19 30-Jan-20 31-Jan-20 44 2nd 1/2 season, split with TBA1
25 8 A-334-S TBD   Driller5           5/14/2019   13-Nov-19 14-Nov-19 30-Jan-20 31-Jan-20 77  
26 9 A-334-S Dar Gibson dargibson@yahoo.com Drilling Driller6 Prof UW-Madison No Project Comm 5/10/2019 9/25/2020 13-Nov-19 14-Nov-19 30-Jan-20 31-Jan-20 77 Full season
27 10 A-334-S Graham Roberts cm3h2o@gmail.com Drilling Driller7 Prof UW-Madison Yes Project Comm 5/10/2019 9/25/2020 18-Nov-19 19-Nov-19 30-Jan-20 31-Jan-20 72 Full season (sent request to ASC for CHC-ZCM date of 10/30; His ZCM-NPX date stays the same). 
28 11 A-334-S Lexi Oxborough (PSL) oxborough@wisc.edu Drilling Driller8b Prof UW-Madison Yes Project Comm 7/22/2019 9/16/2020 16-Dec-19 17-Dec-19 30-Jan-20 31-Jan-20 44 2nd 1/2 season
29 12 A-334-S Jacob Nesbit (PSL) jnesbit@wisc.edu Drilling Driller9 Prof UW-Madison Yes Project Comm 7/3/2019 9/11/2020 18-Nov-19 19-Nov-19 30-Jan-20 31-Jan-20 72 Full season
30 13 A-334-S Jeanne Edwards (PSL) jeanne.edwards@icecube.wisc.edu Drilling Driller10b Prof UW-Madison No Project Comm 7/10/2019 10/21/2020 16-Dec-19 17-Dec-19 30-Jan-20 31-Jan-20 44 2nd 1/2 season
31 14 A-334-S Ase Torgilsson ase.tor.4791@gmail.com Drilling Driller11 Prof UW-Madison Yes Project Comm     0 Requested On-Ice Nov 18, Off-Ice Jan 7
32 15 A-334-S Erik Ejdepalm erik.ejdepalm@protonmail.com Drilling Driller12 Prof Uppsala Yes In-kind Self-Ticket 7/2/2019   13-Nov-19 14-Nov-19 30-Jan-20 31-Jan-20 77 Full season - from Sweden
33 16 A-334-S (ZCM only) Richard Abrams abramsrichard22@yahoo.com Drilling Generator Rehab Prof UW-Madison No Project Comm 5/23/2019 10/24/2020 6-Nov-19 7-Nov-19 12-Dec-19 13-Dec-19 35 McMurdo only!
34 17 A-334-S (ZCM only) Darrell Hamilton dhamilton@psl.wisc.edu Drilling Generator Rehab Prof UW-Madison No Project Comm 5/10/2019 10/24/2020 6-Nov-19 7-Nov-19 12-Dec-19 13-Dec-19 35 McMurdo only!
35 18 A-334-M (ZCM only) Brent Folmer (electrician sub-contractor) bfolmer@westphalec.com Drilling Generator Rehab Prof UW-Madison No Project Comm 10/25/2020   McMurdo only!
36 19 A-334-S James Roth roth@bartol.udel.edu Drilling Driller 8a Prof U-Delaware No Project Comm     Requested 11/18 - 12/20 (change to 12/16)
37     Notes and Change Log:     Backups:       333 Pipeline report date> 081319   PQ Status: Date = PQ'ed, empty = not PQ'ed            
38     1. Labor types are Project, In-kind, M&O     Sebastián Sánchez Herrera (MSU) sanch373@msu.edu     334 Pipeline report date> 073119                
39     2. Ticket types are Comm (ASC supplied, NSF sponsored) or Self (institution supplied) Ase Torgilsson, Driller (Uppsala) ase.tor.4791@gmail.com                        
40     3. Backgrounds are Student, Post-doc, Scientist or Professional   Tom Hutchings, Manager (UW) hutch@icecube.wisc.edu                        
41     4. JK 5/21/19: fill in M&O SMEs, WOs, SPICECore4 is SME not helper   Terry Benson, Engineer (UW) tbenson@psl.wisc.edu                        
42     5. TH 5/23 - Added arrival/departure dates for drill team     Xu Zhai, Engineer/Driller (UW) xzhai@wisc.edu                        
43     6. TH 5/23 - Replaced Darrell with Delia Tosi, changed dates   Michel Kluger, WO                          
44     7. TH 5/23 - Replaced TBA2 w/Lexi Oxborough     Lance Riley, WO   PQ'ed 5/21/20                      
45     8. TH 5/23 - Replaced TBA3 w/Jacob Nesbit                                
46     9. TH 5/23 - Replaced TBA4 w/Jeanne Edwards                                
47     10. JK 6/19: Added helpers (Oehler, Tung, and Sclafani, backup Sanchez)                              
48     11. JK 6/19: Added M&O e-mail addresses                                
49     12. JK 6/19: Fix spelling of A. Shultz                                
50     13. TH 6/20: Replaced TBD6 with Erik Ejdepalm (driller)                                
51     14. TH 6/20: Added "backup driller" Ase                                
52     15. JH 6/26: Changed TBD2 departure to Dec 20 from Dec 16                                
53     16. TH 6/26: Added email addresses                                
54     17. JH 7/4: Added Jim Koehler (IDDO)                                
55     18. JH 7/16: Sync'ed with Pipeline, added some new columns                                
56     19. JH 7/18: Sync'ed with Pipeline report date of 071619, added Abrams and Hanson (TBA1) to 334                            
57     20. TH 7/18: Added alts, added Darrell for ZCM,                                
58     21. JH 8/1: Sync'ed with Pipeline. Added Jocelyn as primary, Michel and Lance as WO backups.                            
59     22. JK 8/6: Add Hardin and Hanson e-mails                                
60     23. JH 8/7: Adjusted Pole arrival/departure dates                                
61     24. JH 8/14: Adjusted Sclafani to match new Pipeline dates                                
62     25. JH 8/20: Synced to Pipeline for 333, synced PQ status to PolarICE                              
63     26. JH 8/28: PQ sync for 333 in preparation for Readiness Review                              
64     27. TH 9/10: Added Brent Folmer to McMurdo team                                
65     28. TH 9/13: Added James Roth as 8a - 1st 1/2 season at NPX                                
66     29. TH 9/18: Added Ase Torgilsson (Swede) (req 11/18 - 01/06)                              
67     30. TH 9/23: Removed Jonas Kalin from on-ice plan (communicated to ASC 9/19)                              
68     31. JK 9/30: Removed Shultz comment about A-340, not relevant any more                              
69     32. JH 10/09: Updated PQ status                                
70     33. JH 10/29: Updated PQ status                                

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  A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O
1 Count Name Broad Support Type Get to Dedicated 8 deployers in this column Role Background Institution First timer? Labor Type Ticket Type Day Shift Night Shift Arrival Departure Comments
2 1 Albrecht Karle Mgmt&Safety   On-Ice Lead Prof UW-Madison No In-kind Comm 1   early late could split season with another person TBD
3 2 Mike Zernick Mgmt&Safety   Quality & Safety Mgr Prof UW-Madison No Proj full Comm 1   early late  
4 3 Tom Hutchings Mgmt&Safety   Drill and Install Mgr Prof UW-Madison No Proj full Comm 1   early late  
5 4 Delia Tosi Deployment D1, Overall install lead String Install Lead Day Scientist UW-Madison No Proj seasonal Comm 1   early late  
6 5 TBD1 Deployment D2, Senior person String Installer Scientist     In-kind   1        
7 6 TBD2 Deployment D3 String Installer + SME   Chiba   In-kind Self 1        
8 7 TBD3 Deployment D4 String Installer + SME   DESY   In-kind Self 1        
9 8 TBD4 Deployment D5 String Installer Student     In-kind   1        
10 9 Gary Hill Deployment N1, Senior person String Install Lead Night Scientist Adelade   In-kind Self   1      
11 10 TBD5 Deployment N2 String Installer + SME   Chiba   In-kind Self   1      
12 11 TBD6 Deployment N3 String Installer + SME   MSU   In-kind Comm   1      
13 12 TBD7 Deployment N4 String Installer Student     In-kind     1      
14 13 TBD8 Deployment N5 String Installer Student     In-kind     1      
15 14 John Kelley Other D6 IDF / ICL / M&O Lead Prof UW-Madison No M&O Comm 1       Split with Ty DeYoung?
16 15 Perry Sandstrom Other D6 Project Engineer Prof UW-Madison No M&O Comm 1        
17 16 Chris Ng Other D6 SME - Engineer Prof MSU Yes Proj full Comm 1       Could split season with Brian Ferguson
18 17 Ralf Auer / TBD9 Other   SME - M&O / C&V   UW-Madison / TBD No M&O Comm 1        
19 18 TBD10 Other   SME - Cal / M&O       M&O     1     Could be N6
20 19 TBD11 Other   SME - Cal / M&O       M&O     1     Could be N6
21 20 TBD12 Other   Winterover Prof UW-Madison   M&O   1        
22 21 TBD13 Other   Winterover Prof UW-Madison   M&O     1      
23 22 Dennis Duling Drilling   Drill Lead + Shift 1 Lead Prof UW-Madison No Proj full Comm 1        
24 23 TBD14 Drilling   Shift 1 Deputy Drill Lead Prof     Proj full            
25 24 TBD15 Drilling   Shift 1 Driller       Proj seasonal            
26 25 TBD16 Drilling   Shift 1 Driller       Proj seasonal            
27 26 TBD17 Drilling   Shift 1 Driller       Proj seasonal            
28 27 TBD18 Drilling   Shift 1 Driller       In-kind            
29 28 TBD19 Drilling   Shift 1 Driller       In-kind            
30 29 TBD20 Drilling   Shift 1 Driller       In-kind Self          
31 30 TBD21 Drilling D7 Shift 1 Driller       In-kind Self          
32 31 TBD22 Drilling D8 Shift 1 Driller       In-kind Self          
33 32 TBD23 Drilling   Shift 2 Drill Lead Prof UW-Madison   Proj full            
34 33 TBD24 Drilling   Shift 2 Deputy Drill Lead Prof UW-Madison   Proj full            
35 34 TBD25 Drilling   Shift 2 Driller       Proj full            
36 35 TBD26 Drilling   Shift 2 Driller       Proj seasonal            
37 36 TBD27 Drilling   Shift 2 Driller       Proj seasonal            
38 37 TBD28 Drilling   Shift 2 Driller       In-kind            
39 38 TBD29 Drilling   Shift 2 Driller       In-kind            
40 39 TBD30 Drilling N6 Shift 2 Driller       In-kind Self          
41 40 TBD31 Drilling N7 Shift 2 Driller       In-kind Self          
42 41 TBD32 Drilling N8 Shift 2 Driller In-kind Self          
43 42 TBD33 Drilling   Shift 3 Drill Lead Prof UW-Madison Proj full            
44 43 TBD34 Drilling   Shift 3 Deputy Drill Lead Prof UW-Madison Proj full            
45 44 TBD35 Drilling   Shift 3 Driller Proj seasonal            
46 45 TBD36 Drilling   Shift 3 Driller Proj seasonal            
47 46 TBD37 Drilling   Shift 3 Driller Proj seasonal            
48 47 TBD38 Drilling   Shift 3 Driller In-kind            
49 48 TBD39 Drilling   Shift 3 Driller In-kind            
50 49 TBD40 Drilling N6 Shift 3 Driller In-kind Self          
51 50 TBD41 Drilling N7 Shift 3 Driller In-kind Self          
52 51 TBD42 Drilling N8 Shift 3 Driller In-kind Self          
54   Notes:                          
55   1. Labor types are Proj full, Proj seasonal, In-kind, M&O                    
56   2. Ticket types are Comm (ASC supplied, NSF sponsored) or Self (institution supplied)                
57   3. Backgrounds are Student, Post-doc, Scientist or Professional                    

Back to top

  A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O
1 Count Name Broad Support Type Get to Dedicated 8 deployers in this column Role Background Institution First timer? Labor Type Ticket Type Day Shift Night Shift Arrival Departure Comments
2 1 Albrecht Karle Mgmt&Safety   On-Ice Lead Prof UW-Madison No In-kind Comm 1   early late could split season with another person TBD
3 2 Mike Zernick Mgmt&Safety   Quality & Safety Mgr Prof UW-Madison No Project Comm 1   early late  
4 3 Tom Hutchings Mgmt&Safety   Drill and Install Mgr Prof UW-Madison No Project Comm 1   early late  
5 4 Delia Tosi Deployment D1, Overall install lead String Install Lead Day Scientist UW-Madison No Project Comm 1   early late  
6 5 TBD1 Deployment D2, Senior person String Installer Scientist     In-kind   1        
7 6 TBD2 Deployment D3 String Installer + SME   Chiba   In-kind Self 1        
8 7 TBD3 Deployment D4 String Installer + SME   DESY   In-kind Self 1        
9 8 TBD4 Deployment D5 String Installer Student     In-kind   1        
10 9 Gary Hill Deployment N1, Senior person String Install Lead Night Scientist Adelade   In-kind Self   1      
11 10 TBD5 Deployment N2 String Installer + SME   Chiba   In-kind Self   1      
12 11 TBD6 Deployment N3 String Installer + SME   MSU   In-kind Comm   1      
13 12 TBD7 Deployment N4 String Installer Student     In-kind     1      
14 13 TBD8 Deployment N5 String Installer Student     In-kind     1      
15 14 John Kelley Other   IDF / ICL / M&O Lead Prof UW-Madison No M&O Comm 1       Split with Ty DeYoung?
16 15 Perry Sandstrom Other   Project Engineer Prof UW-Madison No M&O Comm 1        
17 16 Chris Ng Other   SME - Engineer Prof MSU Yes Project Comm 1       Could split season with Brian Ferguson
18 17 Ralf Auer / TBD9 Other   SME - M&O only   UW-Madison / TBD No M&O Comm 1        
19 18 TBD10 Other   SME - Cal / M&O       M&O     1     Could be N6
20 19 TBD11 Other   SME - Cal / M&O       M&O     1     Could be N6
21 20 TBD12 Other   Winterover Prof UW-Madison   M&O   1        
22 21 TBD13 Other   Winterover Prof UW-Madison   M&O     1      
23 22 Dennis Duling Drilling   Drill Lead + Shift 1 Lead Prof UW-Madison No Project Comm 1        
24 23 TBD14 Drilling   Shift 1 Deputy Drill Lead Prof     Project            
25 24 TBD15 Drilling   Shift 1 Driller       Project            
26 25 TBD16 Drilling   Shift 1 Driller       Project            
27 26 TBD17 Drilling   Shift 1 Driller       Project            
28 27 TBD18 Drilling   Shift 1 Driller       In-kind            
29 28 TBD19 Drilling   Shift 1 Driller       In-kind            
30 29 TBD20 Drilling D6 Shift 1 Driller       In-kind Self          
31 30 TBD21 Drilling D7 Shift 1 Driller       In-kind Self          
32 31 TBD22 Drilling D8 Shift 1 Driller       In-kind Self          
33 32 TBD23 Drilling   Shift 2 Drill Lead Prof UW-Madison   Project            
34 33 TBD24 Drilling   Shift 2 Deputy Drill Lead Prof UW-Madison   Project            
35 34 TBD25 Drilling   Shift 2 Driller       Project            
36 35 TBD26 Drilling   Shift 2 Driller       Project            
37 36 TBD27 Drilling   Shift 2 Driller       Project            
38 37 TBD28 Drilling   Shift 2 Driller       In-kind            
39 38 TBD29 Drilling   Shift 2 Driller       In-kind            
40 39 TBD30 Drilling N6 Shift 2 Driller       In-kind Self          
41 40 TBD31 Drilling N7 Shift 2 Driller       In-kind Self          
42 41 TBD32 Drilling N8 Shift 2 Driller In-kind Self          
43 42 TBD33 Drilling   Shift 3 Drill Lead Prof UW-Madison Project            
44 43 TBD34 Drilling   Shift 3 Deputy Drill Lead Prof UW-Madison Project            
45 44 TBD35 Drilling   Shift 3 Driller Project            
46 45 TBD36 Drilling   Shift 3 Driller Project            
47 46 TBD37 Drilling   Shift 3 Driller Project            
48 47 TBD38 Drilling   Shift 3 Driller In-kind            
49 48 TBD39 Drilling   Shift 3 Driller In-kind            
50 49 TBD40 Drilling N6 Shift 3 Driller In-kind Self          
51 50 TBD41 Drilling N7 Shift 3 Driller In-kind Self          
52 51 TBD42 Drilling N8 Shift 3 Driller In-kind Self          
54   Notes:                          
55   1. Labor types are Project, Project, In-kind, M&O                      
56   2. Ticket types are Comm (ASC supplied, NSF sponsored) or Self (institution supplied)                
57   3. Backgrounds are Student, Post-doc, Scientist or Professional                    

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  A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q
1 Count Name Broad Support Type Role Deployment
Institution First timer? Labor Type Ticket Type Pipeline - PQ Packet Sent Current SIP - PQ Status Pipeline - CHC to ZCM Arrival at Pole (depends on Herc) Departure from Pole (depends on Herc) Pipeline - ZCM to CHC Days at Pole Comments
2 1 Mike Zernick Mgmt&Safety Quality & Safety Mgr After holidays to end UW-Madison No Proj full Comm               After new year until early Feb
3 TBD - Implementation Mgr Mgmt&Safety Drill and Install Mgr Start to holidays UW-Madison No Proj full Comm               Opening to just before Christmas
4 2 Dennis Duling Drilling Drill Leader Full Season UW-Madison No Proj full Comm                
5 3 Dar Gibson Drilling Drill Leader Full Season UW-Madison No Proj full Comm                
6 4 Jonas Kalin Drilling Drill Leader Full Season UW-Madison No Proj full Comm                
7 5 Graham Roberts Drilling Drill Team Full Season UW-Madison No Proj seasonal Comm                
8 6 Paul Wisneiwski Drilling Drill Team ??? UW-Madison No Proj full Comm                
9 Barb Birrittella Drilling Drill Team 2nd 1/2 season UW-Madison No Proj full Comm                
10 7 James Roth Drilling Drill Team 1/2 Season U-Del No In-kind Comm                
11 Jake Nesbit Drilling Drill Team 1/2 Season UW-Madison No Proj full Comm                
12 8 TBD Drilling Drill Team Full Season       Comm                
13 9 Jeanne Edwards Drilling Drill Team 1/2 Season UW-Madison No Proj full Comm                
14 Brent Folmer Drilling Drill Team overlap w/gen-tech, stay on Sub-Contractor No Contractor Comm                
15 10 Erik Ejdepalm Drilling Drill Team Full Season Sweden No Proj full Self                
16 11 Ase Torgilsson Drilling Drill Team Full Season Sweden No Proj full Self                
17 12 Delia Tosi Deployment Install Leader ??? UW-Madison No Proj full Comm                
18 Generator Technician Drilling Drill Team 1st 1/2 season Sub-Contractor Yes Contractor Comm                
20 McMurdo Need a cargo person here                              
21 McMurdo Short term for fab/repairs                              
23 Alternates Terry Benson                              
24 Xu Zhai                              
25 Darrell Hamilton                              
26 Curtis Moore                              
27 Rickard                              
28 Jim Koehler                              
29 Jeff Lemery                              
30 Paul Anker                              
31 Frederik Sorqvist                              
32 Jayred                              
33 Shawntel                              
37 Notes:                              
38 1. Labor types are Proj full, Proj seasonal, In-kind, M&O                          
39 2. Ticket types are Comm (ASC supplied, NSF sponsored) or Self (institution supplied)                        
40 3. Backgrounds are Student, Post-doc, Scientist or Professional                          

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1 Count Event # Name E-Mail address Broad Support Type Role / details Background Institution First timer? Labor Type Ticket Type Pipeline - PQ Packet Sent Current SIP - PQ Status Pipeline - CHC to ZCM Arrival at Pole (depends on Herc) Departure from Pole (depends on Herc) Pipeline - ZCM to CHC Days at Pole Comments   7-Nov-20 14-Nov-20 21-Nov-20 28-Nov-20 5-Dec-20 12-Dec-20 19-Dec-20 26-Dec-20 2-Jan-21 9-Jan-21 16-Jan-21 23-Jan-21 30-Jan-21 6-Feb-21
2 1 A-333-S TBD1 M&O Winterover 1       M&O   29-Oct-20 10-Nov-21 377     1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
3 2 A-333-S TBD2 M&O Winterover 2       M&O   29-Oct-20 10-Nov-21 377     1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
4 3 A-333-S Ralf Auer ralf.auer@icecube.wisc.edu M&O Computing / Hub Maintenance 1 Prof UW - Madison No M&O Comm 10-Nov-20 5-Jan-21 56       1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1          
5 4 A-333-S Jeff Weber jeff.weber@icecube.wisc.edu M&O DAQ / Engineering Support 1 Prof UW - Madison Yes M&O Comm 10-Nov-20 7-Dec-20 27       1 1 1 1                  
6 5 A-333-S TBD3 M&O Computing / Hub Maintenance 2       M&O   7-Dec-20 5-Jan-21 29               1 1 1 1          
7 6 A-333-S TBD4 M&O Computing / Hub Maintenance 3 (Helper1)       M&O   7-Dec-20 5-Jan-21 29               1 1 1 1          
8 7 A-333-S TBD5 M&O Spare1       M&O   4-Dec-20 21-Dec-20 17 Hard to split computing / hub maint to a 4th person. Backpocket to SIP.           1 1 1              
9 8 A-333-S TBD6 M&O Spare2       M&O   7-Dec-20 12-Jan-21 36 Backpocket to SIP. Maybe ARA focused?             1 1 1 1 1        
10 9 A-333-S TBD7 M&O Calibration 1 (Helper2)       M&O   17-Nov-20 18-Dec-20 31         1 1 1 1                
11 10 A-333-S Delia Tosi delia.tosi@icecube.wisc.edu M&O DAQ / Engineering Support 2 Scientist UW-Madison No M&O Comm 5-Jan-21 29-Jan-21 24                       1 1 1    
12 11 A-333-S TBD8 M&O Scint / Radio Mainentance 1       M&O   5-Jan-21 29-Jan-21 24                       1 1 1    
13 12 A-333-S TBD9 M&O Scint / Radio Mainentance 2       M&O   5-Jan-21 26-Jan-21 21                       1 1      
14 13 A-333-S TBD10 M&O Scint / Radio Mainentance 3 (Helper3)       M&O   12-Jan-21 4-Feb-21 23                         1 1 1  
15 14 A-333-S TBD11 M&O IceACT Maintenance 1       M&O   12-Jan-21 4-Feb-21 23                         1 1 1  
16 15 A-333-S Elaine Krebs elainemariak@gmail.com M&O PolarTREC 1 Prof UW-Madison Yes M&O Comm 17-Nov-20 11-Dec-20 24 Does not count in IceCube population                              
18                       Total Count 2 4 5 5 6 8 7 6 6 6 7 6 4 2
19                       Ops Notice 6 5 7 7 9 9 9 9 8 8 8 6 6 2
20 1 A-334-S Mike Zernick michael.zernick@icecube.wisc.edu Mgmt&Safety Quality & Safety Mgr 1a Prof UW-Madison No Proj full Comm 10-Nov-20 18-Dec-20                                  
21 2 A-334-S TBD1 - Implementation Mgr Mgmt&Safety Drill and Install Mgr 1b Prof UW-Madison No Proj full Comm 18-Dec-20 29-Jan-21                                  
22 3 A-334-S Dar Gibson dar.gibson@icecube.wisc.edu Drilling Drill Lead 2 Prof UW-Madison No Proj full Comm 10-Nov-20 29-Jan-21                                  
23 4 A-334-S Jonas Kalin jonas.kalin@gmail.com Drilling Drill Team 3 Prof UW-Madison No Proj full Comm 10-Nov-20 29-Jan-21                                  
24 5 A-334-S Graham Roberts cm3h2o@gmail.com Drilling Drill Team 4 Prof UW-Madison No Proj full Comm 10-Nov-20 29-Jan-21                                  
25 6 A-334-S Lexi Oxborough oxborough@wisc.edu Drilling Drill Team 5 Prof UW-Madison No Proj full Comm 10-Nov-20 29-Jan-21                                  
26 7 A-334-S Jake Nesbit jnesbit@wisc.edu Drilling Drill Team 6a Prof UW-Madison No Proj full Comm 10-Nov-20 18-Dec-20                                  
27 8 A-334-S Barb Birrittella bbirrittella@wisc.edu Drilling Drill Team 6b Prof UW-Madison No Proj full Comm 18-Dec-20 19-Jan-21                                  
28 9 A-334-S Jeanne Edwards jmedwards5@wisc.edu Drilling Drill Team 7a Prof UW-Madison No Proj full Comm 10-Nov-20 18-Dec-20                                  
29 10 A-334-S Xu Zhai xzhai@wisc.edu Drilling Drill Team 7b Prof UW-Madison Yes Proj full Comm 18-Dec-20 29-Jan-21                                  
30 11 A-334-S James Roth roth@bartol.udel.edu Drilling Drill Team 8a Prof U-Delaware No In-kind Comm 10-Nov-20 18-Dec-20                                  
31 12 A-334-S Paul Wisniewski paul.wisniewski@icecube.wisc.edu Drilling Drill Team 8b Prof UW-Madison No Proj full Comm 18-Dec-20 29-Jan-21                                  
32 13 A-334-S TBD2 - Electrician Drilling Drill Team 9a Prof Sub-Contractor No Contractor Comm 10-Nov-20 18-Dec-20                                  
33 14 A-334-S Åse Torgilsson ase.tor.4791@gmail.com Drilling Drill Team 9b Prof UW-Madison No Proj seasonal Comm   18-Dec-20 29-Jan-21                                  
34 15 A-334-S Erik Ejdepalm erik.ejdepalm@protonmail.com Drilling Drill Team 10 Prof UW-Madison No Proj seasonal Comm 10-Nov-20 29-Jan-21                                  
35 16 A-334-S TBD3 - Driller Drilling Drill Team 11a Prof UW-Madison No Proj full Comm 10-Nov-20 18-Dec-20                                  
36 17 A-334-S TBD4 - Driller Drilling Drill Team 11b Prof UW-Madison No Proj full Comm 18-Dec-20 29-Jan-21                                  
37 18 A-334-S TBD5 - Generator Technician Drilling Drill Team 12a Prof Sub-Contractor Yes Contractor Comm 10-Nov-20 18-Dec-20                                  
38 19 A-334-S Chris Ng christopher.ng@icecube.wisc.edu Installation Install 12b Prof MSU Yes Proj Comm 5-Jan-21 29-Jan-21                                  
40 1 A-334-M Dennis Duling dulingde@yahoo.com Drilling Drill Team MCM 1 Prof UW-Madison No Proj full Comm                                  
42     Notes and Change Log:     Backups:       333 Pipeline report date> None   PQ Status: Date = PQ'ed, empty = not PQ'ed                                          
43     1. Labor types are Project, In-kind, M&O     Terry Benson tbenson@psl.wisc.edu     334 Pipeline report date> None                                              
44     2. Ticket types are Comm (ASC supplied, NSF sponsored) or Self (institution supplied) Jeff Lemery jlemery@psl.wisc.edu                                                      
45     3. Backgrounds are Student, Post-doc, Scientist or Professional   Brent Folmer bfolmer@westphalec.com                                                      
46     4. JH 3/24: Initial cleanup prior to SIP submission. Import info from 20_21 Hutch tab. Incorporate JK suggestions. Farshid Feyzi farshid.feyzi@icecube.wisc.edu                                                      
47     5. JH 3/25: More cleanup, added columns at far right to total pop during the season, added row to compare to Ops Notice.                                                      

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