Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Janet M. Conrad
Ph.D Scientists (Faculty Scientist/Post Doc Grads): 2 (1 1 3)
Scope of Work
Note: Gen-2 contributions not relevant for IceCube M&O are highlighted in blue (Total: 0.10 FTE)
Labor Cat. Names WBS Level 3 Tasks WBS 2.1 WBS 2.2 WBS 2.3 WBS 2.4 WBS 2.5 WBS 2.6 Grand Total Program Coordination Detector Maintenance & Operations Computing & Data Management Data Processing & Simulation Software CalibrationKE Janet M. Conrad Engineering and R&D support Test beam development 0.05 0.05Engineering and R&D support mTOM development and in-ice scintillator studies 0.05 0.05Janet M. Conrad Total 0.10 0.10PO Carlos Argüelles Delgado Simulation Software nuSQuIDS, LeptonInjector/LeptonWeighter, and MC reweighting development. Fitter tools: GolemFit. 0.30 0.30 Core Software Atmospheric neutrino parametrizations 0.20 0.20 AdministrationIceCube Summer Bootcamp 0.05 0.05Carlos Arguelles Total 0.05 0.50 0.55GR Spencer Axani Simulation Software Pass 2 and calibration work0.10 0.10 Outreach & Outreach Desktop muon counters 0.20 0.20Spencer Axani Total 0.200.10 0.30Marjon Moulai Detector Calibration Lab measurements of absolute DOM calibration 0.15 0.15
Engineering and R&D support Test beam execution 0.15 0.15Marjon Moulai Total 0.15 0.15 0.30Gabriel Collin Reconstruction NonPoissonian Template Fitting code 0.25 0.25Gabriel Collin Total 0.25 0.25MIT Total 0.40 0.00.0 0.0 0.85 0.15 1.40
Faculty:Janet M. Conrad – Institution lead, M&O responsibilities in R&D (2.1.2) including proposing a FNAL testbeam run at to constrain particle simulations for IceCube and PINGU (this project is being organized by Teppei Katori) and studying isolated optical modules (mTOMs) for PINGU. Study the impact and feasibility of deploying in-ice scintillator to enhace IceCube particle physics and astrophysics capabilitles.
Scientists and Post Docs:Carlos Argüelles -- M&O responsibility is in maintaining and improving his simulation code for use in the 5 year IC86 analysis. Specific projects are 1) speeding up nuSQuIDS, 2) supporting the transition from NuGen to LeptonInjector/LeptonWeighter, 3) developing new tools for estimation of muon backgrounds, 4) development and support of GolemFit.
Analysis Topics: Work on the multiyear high-energy sterile analysis (HESA). Work on multiyear LorentzViolation analysis with HESA. Work on the HESE BSM analyses. Help organizing the MESE taskforce analyses plan. Develop the neutrino decay analysis with HESA. Begin outlining the NSI-using-TeV-neutrinos analysis. Write papers arising from the HESE taskforce work.
Grad Students:Spencer Axani – (4nd year) M&O responsibility is in Data Quality, Reconstruction and Simulation (2.5.1), presently concentrating on performing pass2 checks and Monte Carlo for the multiyear sterile neutrino analysis. Document work on new SPE parameterization. M&O responsibilities in R&D (2.1.2) consist of developing the desktop muon counters used for IceCube outreach.
Analysis Topic: IC86 sterile neutrino analysis using 7-year data set, aka the HESA sample.
Marjon Moulai – (4nd year) Study of atmospheric neutrino systematic uncertainties by means of the Barr parameterization. Implement the Barr parameterization in GolemFit.
Analysis Topics: Develop neutrino decay analysis with the HESA sample.
Gabriel Collin – (5rd year) Has defended his thesis and will graduate June 1. He is spending 4 months as a temporary postdoc in our group to finish up papers and then will begin is primary postdoc position on Sept 15.
Analysis Topics: NPFT analysis.