1. Collaborating Institution
      1. _____________________________
    2. Funding Authority

Collaborating Institution


George Japaridze Date

Clark Atlanta University
Christian Spiering Date

Marek Kowalski Date
Humboldt Universität

Azriel Goldschmidt Date
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

Elisa Resconi Date

MPI Heidelberg

Doug Cowen Date

Pennsylvania Sate University
Christopher Wiebusch Date
RWTH Aachen
Ali Fazely Date
Southern University
_____________________________Per Olof Hulth Date
Stockholm University

Wolfgang Rhode Date

Universität Dortmund
Lutz Koepke Date
Universität Mainz

Klaus Helbing Date

Universität Wuppertal

Philippe Herquet Date

Université de Mons-Hainaut
Daniel Bertrand Date
Université Libre de Bruxelles

Katherine Rawlins Date

University of Alaska-Anchorage
Buford Price Date
University of California-Berkeley

Steven Barwick Date

University of California-Irvine
Jennifer Adams Date
University of Canterbury
Shigeru Yoshida Date
University of Chiba
Paul Evenson Date
University of Delaware

Dirk Ryckbosch Date

Universiteit Gent
David Besson Date
University of Kansas

Greg Sullivan Date

University of Maryland
Subir Sarkar Date
University of Oxford
Albrecht Karle Date
James Madsen Date
UW-River Falls

Olga Botner Date

Uppsala University
Nick van Eijndhoven Date
Utrecht University

Catherine De Clercq Date

Vrije Universiteit Brussel

Funding Authority
Dr. Ir. Elisabeth Monard Date
Secretary General FWO for Universiteit Gent and
Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Mrs. M-J Simoen Date
Secrétaire Générale du FNRS for
Université Libre de Bruxelles and
Université de Mons-Hainaut
Dr. Achim Stahl Date
Chair Physikalisches Institut for
RWTH Aachen

Lars Borjesson Date

Swedish Research Council for
Stockholm University and
Uppsala University
_____________________________James Symons Date
Nuclear Science Division Director
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
_____________________________Dr. Stephen Conway Date
Head of Research Services
Science Area
University of Oxford

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