1. MoU Summary - US
  2. MoU Summary - Non US

  A B C D E F G H I J K L
1 Institution Labor Cat. Names WBS L3 Tasks Funds Source WBS 2.1 WBS 2.2 WBS 2.3 WBS 2.4 WBS 2.5 Grand Total
2             Program Management Detector Maintenance & Operations Computing & Data Management Triggering & Filtering Data Quality, Reconstruction & Simulation Tools  
3 CAU KE Japaridze, George Detector Monitoring Monitoring shifts US Institutional Support   0.01       0.01
4     Japaridze, George Total 0.01 0.01
5 CAU Total 0.01 0.01
6 GTECH KE TABOADA, IGNACIO Administration Chair of speakers’ committee US Institutional Support 0.25         0.25
7     TABOADA, IGNACIO Total 0.25 0.25
8   PO Tepe, Andreas Simulation Production Simulation Production US Base Grants     0.20     0.20
9     Tepe, Andreas Total 0.20 0.20
10   GR GTECH GR Detector Monitoring Monitoring shifts US Base Grants   0.03       0.03
11     GTECH GR Total 0.03 0.03
12     Daughhetee, Jacob Detector Calibration Standard Candle Vertex and Energy Calibration US Base Grants   0.20       0.20
13     Daughhetee, Jacob Total 0.20 0.20
14 GTECH Total 0.25 0.23 0.20 0.68
15 KU KE Besson, Dave Detector Monitoring Monitoring shifts US Institutional Support   0.02       0.02
16       Engineering and R&D Support EMI - Radio R&D US Institutional Support 0.10         0.10
17     Besson, Dave Total 0.10 0.02 0.12
18 KU Total 0.10 0.02 0.12
19 LBNL KE KLEIN,SPENCER Administration Supervise LBNL effort NSF M&O Core 0.05         0.05
20         Publications Comm. Member US Institutional Support 0.10         0.10
21       Physics Filters Co. Chair of Cascade WG US Institutional Support       0.25   0.25
22       Reconstruction/ Analysis tools co-chair of Diffuse WG US Institutional Support       0.25   0.25
23     KLEIN,SPENCER Total 0.15 0.50 0.65
24     NYGREN,DAVID R DETECTOR OPERATIONS & MAINTENANCE Track Engine Trigger US Institutional Support   0.10       0.10
25     NYGREN,DAVID R Total 0.10 0.10
26   SC KIRYLUK,JOANNA Detector Calibration Flasher Runs US Base Grants   0.10       0.10
27       Detector Monitoring BadDomList US Base Grants   0.20       0.20
28       Simulation Production Simulation Production on PDSF US Base Grants     0.20     0.20
29     KIRYLUK,JOANNA Total 0.30 0.20 0.50
30   PO BUITIN,STIJN Simulation Programs DOM simulator & calibrator US Base Grants         0.35 0.35
31     BUITIN,STIJN Total 0.35 0.35
32     GERHARDT,LISA Simulation Programs Simulation Programs: cmc US Base Grants         0.20 0.20
33     GERHARDT,LISA Total 0.20 0.20
34     LBNL PO Detector Monitoring Monitoring shifts US Base Grants   0.09       0.09
35       Simulation Production Simulation Production NSF M&O Core     0.00     0.00
36     LBNL PO Total 0.09 0.00 0.09
37   CS BEATTIE,KEITH S Data Acquisition Maintain DAQ Software Systems (incl. triggers, DOM SW, etc. up to Event Builder) NSF M&O Core   0.25       0.25
38     BEATTIE,KEITH S Total 0.25 0.25
39   EN STEZELBERGER,THORSTEN Data Acquisition Maintain DAQ Hardware (Hubs, DOR, Clocks, GPS,...) NSF M&O Core   0.15       0.15
40     STEZELBERGER,THORSTEN Total 0.15 0.15
41 LBNL Total 0.15 0.89 0.20 0.25 0.80 2.29
42 OSU PO OSU PO Detector Monitoring Monitoring shifts US Base Grants   0.02       0.02
43       Education & Outreach Outreach US Base Grants 0.05         0.05
44     OSU PO Total 0.05 0.02 0.07
45     ROTT, CARSTEN Data Quality Data Quality US Base Grants         0.10 0.10
46       Detector Monitoring Maintain good run list US Base Grants   0.20       0.20
47     ROTT, CARSTEN Total 0.20 0.10 0.30
48   GR Davis, James Detector Monitoring Monitoring shifts US Base Grants   0.01       0.01
49       Physics Filters Vertical Events Filter US Base Grants       0.15   0.15
50     Davis, James Total 0.01 0.15 0.16
51 OSU Total 0.05 0.23 0.15 0.10 0.53
52 PSU KE COWEN, DOUG Administration ExecCom member US Institutional Support 0.20         0.20
53       Education & Outreach Education & Outreach US Institutional Support 0.05         0.05
54       Physics Filters Hybrid/Tau WG Chair US Institutional Support       0.25   0.25
55     COWEN, DOUG Total 0.25 0.25 0.50
56     DEYOUNG, TYCE Education & Outreach Education & Outreach US Institutional Support 0.05         0.05
57       Physics Filters Deep Core WG - Co Chair US Institutional Support       0.25   0.25
58     DEYOUNG, TYCE Total 0.05 0.25 0.30
59   PO KOSKINEN, JASON Physics Filters develop and verify Deep Core filters US Base Grants       0.17   0.17
60       Reconstruction/ Analysis tools Coordinate Deep Core reconstruction for production US Base Grants         0.12 0.12
61       Detector Monitoring Monitoring shifts US Base Grants   0.03       0.03
62     KOSKINEN, JASON Total 0.03 0.17 0.12 0.33
63     PSU PO Computing Resources Coordination and Support for Grid and distributed computing NSF M&O Core     0.25     0.25
64       Simulation Production Simulation Production US Base Grants     0.17     0.17
65       Reconstruction/ Analysis tools develop starting track reconstruction US Base Grants         0.08 0.08
66     PSU PO Total 0.41 0.08 0.50
67   GR PSU GR Detector Monitoring Monitoring shifts US Base Grants   0.03       0.03
68     PSU GR Total 0.03 0.03
69     HA, CHANG Hyon Reconstruction/ Analysis tools develop starting track reconstruction US Base Grants         0.12 0.12
70     HA, CHANG Hyon Total 0.12 0.12
71 PSU Total 0.30 0.06 0.41 0.68 0.33 1.78
72 SUBR KE FAZELY, ALI Reconstruction/ Analysis tools Reconstruction/ Analysis tools US Institutional Support         0.15 0.15
73       Simulation Programs GEANT Simulation US Institutional Support         0.15 0.15
74     FAZELY, ALI Total 0.30 0.30
75     Imlay, Richard Reconstruction/ Analysis tools Reconstruction/ Analysis tools US Institutional Support         0.15 0.15
76       Simulation Programs Simulation Programs US Institutional Support         0.15 0.15
77     Imlay, Richard Total 0.30 0.30
78   SC TER-ANTONYAN, SAMVEL Computing Resources LONI Grid computing US Institutional Support     0.30     0.30
79       Detector Monitoring Detector Monitoring US Institutional Support   0.01       0.01
80     TER-ANTONYAN, SAMVEL Total 0.01 0.30 0.32
81 SUBR Total 0.01 0.30 0.60 0.92
82 UA KE Williams, Dawn Data Quality Data Quality Lead US Institutional Support         0.15 0.15
83       Detector Calibration managing flasher runs and other calibrations (stage 2 geometry) US Institutional Support   0.15       0.15
84     Williams, Dawn Total 0.15 0.15 0.30
85     TOALE, PATRICK Administration Software Coordinator US Institutional Support 0.75         0.75
86     TOALE, PATRICK Total 0.75 0.75
87   PO Zarzhitzky, Pavel Detector Calibration taking flasher runs US Base Grants   0.20       0.20
88       Simulation Programs Simulation verification US Base Grants         0.30 0.30
89     Zarzhitzky, Pavel Total 0.20 0.30 0.50
90   GR Xu, Donglian Detector Calibration geometry systematic US Base Grants   0.25       0.25
91       Detector Monitoring Monitoring shifts US Base Grants   0.03       0.03
92     Xu, Donglian Total 0.28 0.28
93 UA Total 0.75 0.63 0.45 1.83
94 UAA KE Rawlins, Katherine Detector Monitoring Monitoring shifts US Institutional Support   0.02       0.02
95       Reconstruction/ Analysis tools flat-ntuple; muon-bundle-reco; Snow correction for IceTop US Institutional Support         0.30 0.30
96     Rawlins, Katherine Total 0.02 0.30 0.32
97 UAA Total 0.02 0.30 0.32
98 UCB KE PRICE, BUFORD Administration Education & Outreach US Institutional Support 0.10         0.10
99     PRICE, BUFORD Total 0.10 0.10
100   SC FILIMONOV, KIRILL Detector Monitoring Coordinate Monitoring US Base Grants   0.50       0.50
101     FILIMONOV, KIRILL Total 0.50 0.50
102     UCB SC Detector Monitoring Monitoring shifts US Base Grants   0.01       0.01
103     UCB SC Total 0.01 0.01
104     WOSCHNAGG, KURT Administration Speakers Comm member US Base Grants 0.10         0.10
105       Detector Calibration Calibration Lead US Base Grants   0.15       0.15
106       Physics Filters Diffuse / atmosnu WG chair US Base Grants       0.25   0.25
107       Simulation Programs Maintain and Verify Simulation of Photon Propagation and update Ice Properties NSF M&O Core         0.50 0.50
108     WOSCHNAGG, KURT Total 0.10 0.15 0.25 0.50 1.00
109   GR UCB GR Detector Calibration Calibration US Base Grants   0.10       0.10
110       Detector Monitoring Monitoring shifts US Base Grants   0.01       0.01
111     UCB GR Total 0.12 0.12
112 UCB Total 0.20 0.78 0.25 0.50 1.73
113 UCI PO Silverstri, Andrea Detector Monitoring Monitoring shifts US Base Grants   0.01       0.01
114     Silverstri, Andrea Total 0.01 0.01
115   GR Hanson, Jordan Detector Monitoring Monitoring shifts US Base Grants   0.01       0.01
116     Hanson, Jordan Total 0.01 0.01
117 UCI Total 0.02 0.02
118 UD KE GAISSER, TOM Administration Spokesperson US Institutional Support 0.30         0.30
119     GAISSER, TOM Total 0.30 0.30
120     SECKEL, DAVID TFT Coordination TFT Board member US Institutional Support       0.10   0.10
121     SECKEL, DAVID Total 0.10 0.10
122     UD KE Data Acquisition DAQ Monitoring US Institutional Support   0.05       0.05
123     UD KE Total 0.05 0.05
124   SC UD SC IceTop Operations Coordinate IceTop Operations NSF M&O Core   1.00       1.00
125     UD SC Total 1.00 1.00
126   PO BERGHAUS, PATRICK - UD Physics Filters moun channel WG Co. Chair US Base Grants       0.25   0.25
127     BERGHAUS, PATRICK - UD Total 0.25 0.25
128     Hussain, Shahid Simulation Production IceTop Simulation Production US Base Grants     0.15     0.15
129       Simulation Programs Ice Properties Simulation US Base Grants         0.30 0.30
130     Hussain, Shahid Total 0.15 0.30 0.45
131     Kuwabara, Takao Detector Monitoring Temp. & Pressure atmospheric monitoring US Base Grants   0.25       0.25
132     Kuwabara, Takao Total 0.25 0.25
133   GR Ruzybaev , Bakhtiyar Simulation Programs Ice Properties Simulation US Base Grants         0.30 0.30
134     Ruzybaev , Bakhtiyar Total 0.30 0.30
135     Xu, Chen Simulation Programs Simulation Programs: sim-services US Base Grants         0.30 0.30
136     Xu, Chen Total 0.30 0.30
137 UD Total 0.30 1.30 0.15 0.35 0.90 3.00
138 UMD KE HOFFMAN, KARA Engineering and R&D Support Detector R&D US Institutional Support 0.20         0.20
139     HOFFMAN, KARA Total 0.20 0.20
140     Sullivan, Greg Administration ExecCom member US Institutional Support 0.20         0.20
141     Sullivan, Greg Total 0.20 0.20
142     UMD KE Education & Outreach E&O US Institutional Support 0.10         0.10
143     UMD KE Total 0.10 0.10
144   SC BLAUFUSS, ERIK Core Software Core Software US Base Grants     0.00     0.00
145       Online Filter (PnF) Maintain PnF Software and Online Filters NSF M&O Core   0.20       0.20
146       Physics Filters GRB WG Chair US Base Grants       0.25   0.25
147       TFT Coordination Coordinate process for filter requests, bandwidth NSF M&O Core       0.30   0.30
148     BLAUFUSS, ERIK Total 0.20 0.00 0.55 0.75
149     SCHMIDT, TORSTEN Core Software Maintain Core Analysis Framework (IceTray) NSF M&O Core     0.50     0.50
150       Online Filter (PnF) Maintain PnF Software and Online Filters NSF M&O Core   0.25       0.25
151     SCHMIDT, TORSTEN Total 0.25 0.50 0.75
152   PO OLIVAS, ALEX Administration Pubcom member US Base Grants 0.10         0.10
153       Physics Filters exotics- WG chair US Base Grants       0.25   0.25
154       Simulation Programs Simulation Software Programs coordinator NSF M&O Core         0.40 0.40
155     OLIVAS, ALEX Total 0.10 0.25 0.40 0.75
156     UMD PO Detector Monitoring Monitoring shifts US Base Grants   0.03       0.03
157     UMD PO Total 0.03 0.03
158     Wissing, Henrike Administration Pubcom member US Base Grants 0.10         0.10
159       Reconstruction/ Analysis tools develop & test reconstruction US Base Grants         0.25 0.25
160       Simulation Programs Maintain Detector Simulation (IceSim) US Base Grants         0.25 0.25
161     Wissing, Henrike Total 0.10 0.50 0.60
162   GR CHRISTY, BRIAN Simulation Production Simulation Production coordination US Base Grants     0.25     0.25
163     CHRISTY, BRIAN Total 0.25 0.25
164     Ehrlich, Ralf Core Software Core Software US Base Grants     0.50     0.50
165     Ehrlich, Ralf Total 0.50 0.50
166     REDL, PETER Online Filter (PnF) Online Filter Testing US Base Grants   0.25       0.25
167       Reconstruction/ Analysis tools Reconstruction/ Analysis tools US Base Grants         0.25 0.25
168       Simulation Programs Maintain Detector Simulation (IceSim) US Base Grants         0.25 0.25
169     REDL, PETER Total 0.25 0.50 0.75
170     UMD GR Core Software Core Software US Base Grants     0.25     0.25
171       Detector Monitoring Monitoring shifts US Base Grants   0.06       0.06
172       TFT Coordination Prepare datasets for filter testing and common MC datasets for testing US Base Grants       0.20   0.20
173     UMD GR Total 0.06 0.25 0.20 0.51
174   CS UMD CS Core Software Maintain Core Software Repository NSF M&O Core     0.25     0.25
175     UMD CS Total 0.25 0.25
176   TE STRASZHEIM, TROY Core Software > 1 FTE NSF M&O Core            
177         Maintain Core Analysis Framework (IceTray) NSF M&O Core     0.88     0.88
178     STRASZHEIM, TROY Total 0.88 0.88
179     UMD TE Computing Resources Coordination and Support for Grid and distributed computing NSF M&O Core     0.25     0.25
180     UMD TE Total 0.25 0.25
181 UMD Total 0.70 0.79 2.88 1.00 1.40 6.76
182 UW KE HALZEN, FRANCIS Administration Principle Investigator NSF M&O Core 0.08         0.08
183           US Institutional Support 0.33         0.33
184     HALZEN, FRANCIS Total 0.42 0.42
185     KARLE, ALBRECHT Administration Associate Director for Science NSF M&O Core 0.08         0.08
186           US Institutional Support 0.33         0.33
187     KARLE, ALBRECHT Total 0.42 0.42
188     MONTARULI, TERESA TFT Coordination TFT Board member US Institutional Support       0.10   0.10
189     MONTARULI, TERESA Total 0.10 0.10
190     WESTERHOFF, STEFAN Administration Pubcom member US Institutional Support 0.10         0.10
191     WESTERHOFF, STEFAN Total 0.10 0.10
192   SC CHIRKIN, DMITRY Reconstruction/ Analysis tools Direct photon tracking / iceproperties calibration 0.3 ; FE/pulse extractor 0.1 ; reco software 0.1 US Base Grants         0.30 0.30
193       Simulation Programs Simulation Programs: mmc/mmc-icetray and ucr-icetray US Base Grants         0.20 0.20
194     CHIRKIN, DMITRY Total 0.50 0.50
195     DESIATI, PAOLO Simulation Production Coordination of Simulation Production NSF M&O Core     0.70     0.70
196     DESIATI, PAOLO Total 0.70 0.70
197     HANSON, KAEL Run Coordination Left UW NSF M&O Core            
198     HANSON, KAEL Total
199     HILL, GARY Administration Weekly call, ICC support US Base Grants 0.20         0.20
200       Offline Data Processing Offline processing NSF M&O Core         0.25 0.25
201       Simulation Programs Maintain and Verify Simulation of Photon Propagation and update Ice Properties NSF M&O Core         0.25 0.25
202     HILL, GARY Total 0.20 0.50 0.70
203     KRASBERG, MARK Data Acquisition DOM Cal Maintenance, DOM Monitoring snd Troubleshooting NSF M&O Core   0.35       0.35
204         Provide Real-time System Monitoring and Paging NSF M&O Core   0.20       0.20
205       Run Coordination Winterovers coordinator NSF M&O Core   0.25       0.25
206     KRASBERG, MARK Total 0.80 0.80
207     LANDSMAN, YAEL HAGAR Engineering and R&D Support Science Support NSF M&O Core 0.25         0.25
208     LANDSMAN, YAEL HAGAR Total 0.25 0.25
209     MARUYAMA, REINA Physics Filters Supernova WG Chair US Base Grants       0.25   0.25
210     MARUYAMA, REINA Total 0.25 0.25
211     WENDT, CHRISTOPHER Data Acquisition DOM CAL Maintenance NSF M&O Core   0.25       0.25
212       Detector Calibration Prepare and Evaluate Flasher Calibrations 0.25
Evaluate (DomCal) Calibration Runs and update Calibration constants 0.1
NSF M&O Core   0.28       0.28
213     WENDT, CHRISTOPHER Total 0.53 0.53
214   PO ABBASI, RASHA Simulation Programs DST data checking US Base Grants         0.10 0.10
215     ABBASI, RASHA Total 0.10 0.10
216     Aguilar Sanchez Juan Antonio Physics Filters muon filter US Base Grants       0.15   0.15
217       Simulation Programs low level moun data verification (data/mc) US Base Grants         0.10 0.10
218     Aguilar Sanchez Juan Antonio Total 0.15 0.10 0.25
219     HOSHINA, K Simulation Production Photon prop. Calibration US Base Grants     0.10     0.10
220     HOSHINA, K Total 0.10 0.10
221     Toscano, Simona Data Production Processing Cascade data processing US Base Grants     0.35     0.35
222       Physics Filters Cascade Online filter US Base Grants       0.15   0.15
223     Toscano, Simona Total 0.35 0.15 0.50
224     UW PO Detector Monitoring Monitoring shifts US Base Grants   0.12       0.12
225       Simulation Programs Maintain IceSim US Base Grants         0.40 0.40
226     UW PO Total 0.12 0.40 0.52
227   GR BAKER, MICHAEL Detector Monitoring Stability US Base Grants   0.10       0.10
228     BAKER, MICHAEL Total 0.10 0.10
229     DUMM, JONATHAN Offline Data Processing Offline Data Processing US Base Grants         0.15 0.15
230       Reconstruction/ Analysis tools Reconstruction Tools US Base Grants         0.15 0.15
231     DUMM, JONATHAN Total 0.30 0.30
232     EISCH, JONATHAN Simulation Production IceTop Simulation Production US Base Grants     0.30     0.30
233     EISCH, JONATHAN Total 0.30 0.30
234     GLADSTONE, LAURA Detector Calibration Moon Shadow US Base Grants   0.15       0.15
235       Physics Filters Deep Core online Filter US Base Grants       0.15   0.15
236     GLADSTONE, LAURA Total 0.15 0.15 0.30
237     Rodrigues, Joao-Paulo Reconstruction/ Analysis tools Supernova simulation / moun energy reconstruction US Institutional Support         0.20 0.20
238     Rodrigues, Joao-Paulo Total 0.20 0.20
239     Santander, Marcos Detector Calibration Calibration with flashers US Base Grants   0.20       0.20
240       Simulation Programs Flasher Analysis US Base Grants         0.15 0.15
241     Santander, Marcos Total 0.20 0.15 0.35
242     UW GR Detector Monitoring Monitoring shifts US Base Grants   0.12       0.12
243     UW GR Total 0.12 0.12
244     Weaver, Christopher Data Acquisition DOM CAL Maintenance US Base Grants   0.20       0.20
245     Weaver, Christopher Total 0.20 0.20
246   CS JACOBSEN, JOHN (NPX) Data Acquisition Maintain DAQ Hardware (Hubs, DOR, Clocks, GPS,...) NSF M&O Core   0.15       0.15
247       Experiment Control IceCube Live Maintenance and Upgrades NSF M&O Core   0.85       0.85
248     JACOBSEN, JOHN (NPX) Total 1.00 1.00
249     SOUNDARAPANDIAN, KARTHIK SPS Operations Maintain South Pole Computing Hardware Infrastructure and operating systems NSF M&O Core   0.75       0.75
250       SPTS Operations Maintain South Pole Test System Hardware and Operating Systems NSF M&O Core   0.25       0.25
251     SOUNDARAPANDIAN, KARTHIK Total 1.00 1.00
252   EN BARNET, STEVE Computing Resources 0.75 Maintain Core High Performance Computing Systems
0.25 Coordination and Support for Grid and distributed computing
NSF M&O Core     1.00     1.00
253     BARNET, STEVE Total 1.00 1.00
254     BOGEN, DAVID Computing Resources Maintain Data Center Infrastructure NSF M&O Core     1.00     1.00
255     BOGEN, DAVID Total 1.00 1.00
256     MACKENZIE, CYNTHIA Data Storage & Transfer Transfer Data from S. Pole to UW Data Warehouse and Archive at S. Pole
Maintain Data Transfer Software (SPADE)
Maintain Data Warehouse Standards, Software (Ingest), Data Access (FTP), and Web Interface
NSF M&O Core     0.50     0.50
257     MACKENZIE, CYNTHIA Total 0.50 0.50
258     UW EN Engineering and R&D Support Engineering Support NSF M&O Core 0.10         0.10
259       SPTS Operations Maintain South Pole Test System Hardware and Operating Systems NSF M&O Core   0.50       0.50
260     UW EN Total 0.10 0.50 0.60
261     WISNIEWSKI, PAUL Computing Resources Maintain Data Center Networking and Security NSF M&O Core     0.75     0.75
262       SPS Operations Networking and Security Maintenance NSF M&O Core   0.25       0.25
263     WISNIEWSKI, PAUL Total 0.25 0.75 1.00
265         Detector Operations Manager NSF M&O Core   0.88       0.88
266     LAITSCH, DENISE Total 0.88 0.88
267     MERCK, MARTIN Administration Computing Infrastructure Management NSF M&O Core 1.00         1.00
268     MERCK, MARTIN Total 1.00 1.00
269     PAULOS, ROBERT USAP Support USAP Support NSF M&O Core 0.25         0.25
270     PAULOS, ROBERT Total 0.25 0.25
271     PELES, ADI Administration Resource Coordinator NSF M&O Core 0.50         0.50
272     PELES, ADI Total 0.50 0.50
273   SE GLOWACKI, DAVID Data Acquisition Maintain DAQ Software Systems (incl. triggers, DOM SW, etc. up to Event Builder) NSF M&O Core   1.00       1.00
274     GLOWACKI, DAVID Total 1.00 1.00
275     LAUNDRIE, ANDREW Engineering and R&D Support EMI, Instrumentation, I/F NSF M&O Core 0.25         0.25
276         Engineering Support NSF M&O Core 0.65         0.65
277       SPTS Operations Maintain South Pole Test System Hardware and Operating Systems NSF M&O Core   0.10       0.10
278     LAUNDRIE, ANDREW Total 0.90 0.10 1.00
279     SANDSTROM, PERRY Data Acquisition Maintain DAQ Hardware (Hubs, DOR, Clocks, GPS,...) NSF M&O Core   0.25       0.25
280       Engineering and R&D Support EMI, Instrumentation, I/F NSF M&O Core 0.25         0.25
281         Engineering Support NSF M&O Core 0.25         0.25
282       SPS Operations Maintain South Pole Computing Hardware Infrastructure and operating systems NSF M&O Core   0.25       0.25
283     SANDSTROM, PERRY Total 0.50 0.50 1.00
284   AD MALKUS, EVELYN Education & Outreach Education & Outreach Coordination NSF M&O Core 0.75         0.75
285     MALKUS, EVELYN Total 0.75 0.75
286     RICHARDS, JOHN Data Storage & Transfer Maintain and Operate Data Storage Infrastructure NSF M&O Core     1.00     1.00
287     RICHARDS, JOHN Total 1.00 1.00
288     UW AD Administration Administrative Support NSF M&O Core 0.50         0.50
289         Host Spring collaboration meeting US Institutional Support 0.50         0.50
290       Education & Outreach Teachers NSF M&O Core 0.25         0.25
291     UW AD Total 1.25 1.25
292   TE DIAZ-VELEZ, JUAN CARLOS Core Software Maintain Simulation Production Software NSF M&O Core     0.00     0.00
293         Simulation Programs: diplopia NSF M&O Core     0.80     0.80
294       Simulation Programs Maintain Simulation Production Software NSF M&O Core         0.20 0.20
295     DIAZ-VELEZ, JUAN CARLOS Total 0.80 0.20 1.00
296     FADIRAN, OLADIPO Core Software Maintain Data Processing Software NSF M&O Core     0.20     0.20
297       Data Storage & Transfer Transformation of Data for Long-Term Persistence and Archival, e.g., HDF5
Maintain Data Warehouse Standards, Software (Ingest), Data Access (FTP), and Web Interface
NSF M&O Core     0.20     0.20
298       Simulation Production 0.30 Coordination of Simulation Production
0.30 Maintain production configurations, manage test production and maintain web portal.
NSF M&O Core     0.60     0.60
299     FADIRAN, OLADIPO Total 1.00 1.00
300     MCGUIRE, PAUL Computing Resources Maintain Data Center Infrastructure NSF M&O Core     0.50     0.50
301       Data Storage & Transfer Maintain and Operate Data Storage Infrastructure NSF M&O Core     0.50     0.50
302     MCGUIRE, PAUL Total 1.00 1.00
303     MEADE, PATRICK Data Production Processing 0.10 Unpacking, Decoding and Calibration of Raw Data in the North (Level1)
0.15 Run Common Reconstructions on UW IceCube Compute Cluster (Level2)
NSF M&O Core     0.00     0.00
304         0.2 Unpacking, Decoding and Calibration of Raw Data in the North (Level1)
0.3 Run Common Reconstructions on UW IceCube Compute Cluster (Level2)
NSF M&O Core     0.50     0.50
305       Data Storage & Transfer Transfer Data from S. Pole to UW Data Warehouse and Archive at S. Pole
Maintain Data Transfer Software (SPADE)
Maintain Data Warehouse Standards, Software (Ingest), Data Access (FTP), and Web Interface
NSF M&O Core     0.50     0.50
306     MEADE, PATRICK Total 1.00 1.00
307     UW TE Computing Resources Maintain Core High Performance Computing Systems NSF M&O Core     0.44     0.44
308       Core Software Maintain Data Processing Software NSF M&O Core     0.30     0.30
309       Data Storage & Transfer Transformation of Data for Long-Term Persistence and Archival, e.g., HDF5
Maintain Data Warehouse Standards, Software (Ingest), Data Access (FTP), and Web Interface
NSF M&O Core     0.30     0.30
310       Engineering and R&D Support EMI, Instrumentation, I/F NSF M&O Core 0.25         0.25
311     UW TE Total 0.25 1.04 1.29
312   WO UW WO Run Coordination Operate Detector (Winter-Overs) NSF M&O Core   3.00       3.00
313     UW WO Total 3.00 3.00
314 UW Total 6.88 10.44 10.54 0.80 2.45 31.11
315 UWRF KE MADSEN, JIM Education & Outreach Teachers’ program and UWRF Upward Bound US Institutional Support 0.10         0.10
316       Reconstruction/ Analysis tools Cosmic ray shower simulations and reconstruction US Institutional Support         0.10 0.10
317     MADSEN, JIM Total 0.10 0.10 0.20
318     SPICZAK, GLENN IceTop Operations IceTop tank Monitoring US Institutional Support   0.03       0.03
319     SPICZAK, GLENN Total 0.03 0.03
320   SC Tamburro, Alessio IceTop Operations IceTop tank Monitoring US Institutional Support   0.03       0.03
321       Reconstruction/ Analysis tools Shower simulations, TankTop simulation US Institutional Support         0.20 0.20
322     Tamburro, Alessio Total 0.03 0.20 0.23
323   TE UWRF TE Education & Outreach Teachers Program NSF M&O Core 0.15         0.15
324     UWRF TE Total 0.15 0.15
325 UWRF Total 0.25 0.05 0.30 0.60
326 Grand Total 9.93 15.49 14.68 3.73 7.88 51.70

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  A B C D E F G H I J K
1 Institution Labor Cat. Names WBS L3 Tasks WBS 2.1 WBS 2.2 WBS 2.3 WBS 2.4 WBS 2.5 Grand Total
2     Program Management Detector Maintenance & Operations Computing & Data Management Triggering & Filtering Data Quality, Reconstruction & Simulation Tools  
3 ALBERTA KE GRANT, DARREN Reconstruction/ Analysis tools Maintenance of IceCube-Photonics interface         0.10 0.10
4       Simulation Production WestGrid computing     0.10     0.10
5     GRANT, DARREN Total 0.10 0.10 0.20
6   PO ALBERTA, PO Reconstruction/ Analysis tools Maintenance of IceCube-Photonics interface         0.30 0.30
7     ALBERTA, PO Total 0.30 0.30
8 ALBERTA Total 0.10 0.40 0.50
9 BARBADOS KE Seunarine, Suruj DATA QUALITY, RECONSTRUCTION & SIMULATION TOOLS Analysis of flasher runs for inice calibration of saturation, and flasher and Standard Candle runs for absolute energy calibration for cascades.         0.15 0.15
10       Physics Filters Work on cascade filter       0.15   0.15
11     Seunarine, Suruj Total 0.15 0.15 0.30
12 BARBADOS Total 0.15 0.15 0.30
13 BOCHUM KE BECKER, JULIA Administration Pubcom member 0.10         0.10
14     BECKER, JULIA Total 0.10 0.10
15   GR Olivo, Martino Simulation Programs Update MMC from Java to C++         0.25 0.25
16     Olivo, Martino Total 0.25 0.25
17     UBOCHUM GR Detector Monitoring Detector Monitoring   0.03       0.03
18     UBOCHUM GR Total 0.03 0.03
19 BOCHUM Total 0.10 0.03 0.25 0.38
20 BONN KE KOWALSKI, MAREK Administration Pubcom member 0.10         0.10
21       Physics Filters cascades WG Co-Lead       0.25   0.25
22       TFT Coordination TFT Board member       0.10   0.10
23     KOWALSKI, MAREK Total 0.10 0.35 0.45
24   PO Boeser Sebastian Run Coordination Run Coordinator   0.50       0.50
25     Boeser Sebastian Total 0.50 0.50
26   GR FRANCKOWIAK, ANNA Physics Filters Alert System for follow-up       0.10   0.10
27     FRANCKOWIAK, ANNA Total 0.10 0.10
28     PANKNIN, SEBASTIAN Reconstruction/ Analysis tools IC-40 L3 processing         0.20 0.20
29     PANKNIN, SEBASTIAN Total 0.20 0.20
30     UBONN GR Detector Monitoring Detector Monitoring   0.03       0.03
31       Reconstruction/ Analysis tools Reconstruction/ Analysis tools         0.20 0.20
32     UBONN GR Total 0.03 0.20 0.23
33     HOMRIER, ANDREAS Physics Filters Alert System for follow-up       0.10   0.10
34     HOMRIER, ANDREAS Total 0.10 0.10
35 BONN Total 0.10 0.53 0.55 0.40 1.58
36 CHIBA KE YOSHIDA, SHIGERU Physics Filters EHE WG Lead       0.25   0.25
37     YOSHIDA, SHIGERU Total 0.25 0.25
38     CHIBA KE Reconstruction/ Analysis tools Maintain Romeo, EHE Simulations         0.20 0.20
39     CHIBA KE Total 0.20 0.20
40   SC CHIBA SC Reconstruction/ Analysis tools Maintain Romeo, EHE Simulations, Maintain reconstruction projects (Portia), MC/Data comparison for EHE-filtered and IceTop events, Standard Candle Analysis         0.20 0.20
41     CHIBA SC Total 0.20 0.20
42   GR ONO, MIO Physics Filters EHE Filters       0.15   0.15
43     ONO, MIO Total 0.15 0.15
44     CHIBA GR Detector Monitoring Detector Monitoring   0.03       0.03
45       Reconstruction/ Analysis tools Improve the Ice Model, Afterpulse Simulator, Standard Candle Analysis, Maintain reconstruction projects (Ophelia, ehe-star)         0.20 0.20
46     CHIBA GR Total 0.03 0.20 0.23
47 CHIBA Total 0.03 0.40 0.60 1.03
48 DESY KE SPIERING, CHRISTIAN Administration ExecCom member 0.15         0.15
49     SPIERING, CHRISTIAN Total 0.15 0.15
50     NAHNHAUER, ROLF Engineering and R&D Support Acoustic R&D Support 0.10         0.10
51     NAHNHAUER, ROLF Total 0.10 0.10
52     WALTER, MICHAEL Simulation Production Simulation Production Cluster     0.20     0.20
53     WALTER, MICHAEL Total 0.20 0.20
54   SC BENABDERRAHMANE, LOFTI Detector Monitoring Deputy Monitoring Coordinator   0.20       0.20
55     BENABDERRAHMANE, LOFTI Total 0.20 0.20
56     DESY SC Detector Monitoring Detector Monitoring   0.06       0.06
57     DESY SC Total 0.06 0.06
58     SULANKE, K.-H. Data Acquisition DAQ Firmware Support   0.15       0.15
59     SULANKE, K.-H. Total 0.15 0.15
60     BERGMANN, JENS Simulation Production Simulation Production Cluster     0.25     0.25
61     BERGMANN, JENS Total 0.25 0.25
62   GR FRANKE, ROBERT Physics Filters Online Filter for Alerts       0.10   0.10
63         Rate Data Bank South Pole       0.10   0.10
64     FRANKE, ROBERT Total 0.20 0.20
65     DESY GR Detector Monitoring Detector Monitoring   0.12       0.12
66       Simulation Production Simulation Production Cluster     0.15     0.15
67     DESY GR Total 0.12 0.15 0.27
68     MIDDELL, EIKE Reconstruction/ Analysis tools Cascade Reconstruction         0.30 0.30
69     MIDDELL, EIKE Total 0.30 0.30
70     ACHIM STOESSL Detector Calibration Flasher Analysis   0.20       0.20
71     ACHIM STOESSL Total 0.20 0.20
72     EIKE MIDDELL Detector Calibration Flasher Analysis   0.10       0.10
73     EIKE MIDDELL Total 0.10 0.10
74     KISLAT, FABIAN Computing Resources Reconstruciton Coordinator (acting), Maintain Reconstruction Framework     0.15     0.15
75     KISLAT, FABIAN Total 0.15 0.15
76   AD DESY AD Administration Host Fall Collaboration Meeting 0.00         0.00
77     DESY AD Total 0.00 0.00
78   TE DESY TE Computing Resources European Data Center -Distributed Computing and Labor     2.00     2.00
79     DESY TE Total 2.00 2.00
80 DESY Total 0.25 0.83 2.75 0.20 0.30 4.33
81 DORTMUND SC PIELOTH, DAMIAN Computing Resources Coordinate GRID computing in Germany     0.25     0.25
82     PIELOTH, DAMIAN Total 0.25 0.25
83   GR DTMND GR Detector Monitoring Detector Monitoring   0.03       0.03
84       Simulation Production Simulation Production     0.40     0.40
85     DTMND GR Total 0.03 0.40 0.43
86     Milke, Natalie Simulation Programs Simulation Programs: noise-generator         0.20 0.20
87     Milke, Natalie Total 0.20 0.20
88 DORTMUND Total 0.03 0.65 0.20 0.88
89 EPFL KE EPFL KE Engineering and R&D Support Acoustic R&D Support 0.10         0.10
90     EPFL KE Total 0.10 0.10
91   SC EPFL SC Reconstruction/ Analysis tools SLF, Low Energy, Energy reconstruction (development)         0.25 0.25
92     EPFL SC Total 0.25 0.25
93   GR EPFL GR Detector Monitoring Detector Monitoring   0.03       0.03
94     EPFL GR Total 0.03 0.03
95 EPFL Total 0.10 0.03 0.25 0.38
96 GENT SC UGENT SC Engineering and R&D Support Acoustic R&D Support 0.05         0.05
97       Simulation Programs Support IceTop Simulations, IceTop Calibrations, IceTop Reconstruction         0.10 0.10
98     UGENT SC Total 0.05 0.10 0.15
99   GR UGENT GR Detector Monitoring Detector Monitoring   0.03       0.03
100       Engineering and R&D Support Acoustic R&D Support 0.05         0.05
101       Simulation Programs Support IceTop Simulations, IceTop Calibrations, IceTop Reconstruction         0.40 0.40
102     UGENT GR Total 0.05 0.03 0.40 0.48
103 GENT Total 0.10 0.03 0.50 0.63
104 HUMBOLDT SC HUMB SC Detector Monitoring Detector Monitoring   0.03       0.03
105       Reconstruction/ Analysis tools Reconstruction/ Analysis tools         0.10 0.10
106     HUMB SC Total 0.03 0.10 0.13
107     WALDENMAIER, TILO IceTop Operations IceTop Operations   0.10       0.10
108       Physics Filters CR-WG Filter       0.15   0.15
109         CR-WG Lead       0.25   0.25
110     WALDENMAIER, TILO Total 0.10 0.40 0.50
111 HUMBOLDT Total 0.00 0.13 0.40 0.10 0.63
112 MAINZ KE KĂłpke, Lutz Administration ExecCom member 0.15         0.15
113     KĂłpke, Lutz Total 0.15 0.15
114   SC AHRENS, JENS Simulation Production Simulation Production     0.15     0.15
115     AHRENS, JENS Total 0.15 0.15
116   GR Kroll, Gösta SuperNova Operations SuperNova Operations   0.50       0.50
117     Kroll, Gösta Total 0.50 0.50
118     LĂĽnemann, Jan Reconstruction/ Analysis tools Reconstruction Tools         0.20 0.20
119     LĂĽnemann, Jan Total 0.20 0.20
120     SCHATTO, KAI Detector Monitoring Monitoring IceCube Live integration   0.35       0.35
121     SCHATTO, KAI Total 0.35 0.35
122     UM GR Detector Monitoring Detector Monitoring   0.05       0.05
123     UM GR Total 0.05 0.05
124     WIEBE, KLAUS Simulation Production Simulation Production     0.30     0.30
125       SuperNova Operations SuperNova IceCube Live integration   0.10       0.10
126     WIEBE, KLAUS Total 0.10 0.30 0.40
127 MAINZ Total 0.15 1.00 0.45 0.20 1.80
128 MPI KE RESCONI, ELISA Administration Analysis Coordinator 0.50         0.50
129     RESCONI, ELISA Total 0.50 0.50
130   PO MPI PO Data Quality Data Quality & DeepCore         0.60 0.60
131     MPI PO Total 0.60 0.60
132   GR MPI GR Detector Monitoring Detector Monitoring   0.04       0.04
133     MPI GR Total 0.04 0.04
134 MPI Total 0.50 0.04 0.60 1.15
135 RWTH KE WIEBUSCH, CHRISTOPHER Administration Coordinate BMBF Funding 0.10         0.10
136     WIEBUSCH, CHRISTOPHER Total 0.10 0.10
137   SC RWTH SC Core Software Maintain Reconstruction Framework     0.10     0.10
138       Engineering and R&D Support Acoustic R&D Support 0.10         0.10
139       Simulation Production Simulation Production on cluster/GRID     0.10     0.10
140     RWTH SC Total 0.10 0.20 0.30
141   PO BOERSMA, DAVID RWTH Physics Filters Gal Cen Filter (Moon Filter)       0.15   0.15
142         muon channel WG Co. Chair       0.25   0.25
143       Reconstruction/ Analysis tools Reconstruction Coordinator         0.15 0.15
144     BOERSMA, DAVID RWTH Total 0.40 0.15 0.55
145   GR RWTH GR Core Software Maintain Reconstruction Framework     0.15     0.15
146       Detector Monitoring Monitoring (3 weeks)   0.09       0.09
147       Reconstruction/ Analysis tools Reconstruction Software         0.30 0.30
148       Simulation Production Simulation Production on cluster/GRID     0.85     0.85
149     RWTH GR Total 0.09 1.00 0.30 1.39
150     SCHUKRAFT, ANNE Data Production Processing Photonics Production     0.25     0.25
151     SCHUKRAFT, ANNE Total 0.25 0.25
152     WALLRAFF, MARIUS Reconstruction/ Analysis tools New Feature Extractor         0.50 0.50
153     WALLRAFF, MARIUS Total 0.50 0.50
154 RWTH Total 0.20 0.09 1.45 0.40 0.95 3.09
155 SU KE HULTH, PER OLOF Administration ExecCom member 0.20         0.20
156         ICB Member 0.05         0.05
157         Outreach 0.15         0.15
158       Physics Filters Low Energy DeepCore WG Lead       0.25   0.25
159     HULTH, PER OLOF Total 0.40 0.25 0.65
160     HULTQVIST, KLAS Simulation Programs Photonics/Simulation Work, hit-maker         0.15 0.15
161     HULTQVIST, KLAS Total 0.15 0.15
162     WALCK, CHRISTIAN Administration Pubcom member 0.10         0.10
163       Simulation Programs Photonics/Simulation Work         0.05 0.05
164     WALCK, CHRISTIAN Total 0.10 0.05 0.15
165   SC FINLEY, CHAD SU Administration Coordination with LIGO 0.10         0.10
166       Physics Filters Point Sou\rce WG Lead       0.25   0.25
167       Simulation Programs Simulation Programs: neutrino-generator         0.20 0.20
168     FINLEY, CHAD SU Total 0.10 0.25 0.20 0.55
169     SEO, SEON-HEE Physics Filters Develop & verify filters       0.05   0.05
170       Reconstruction/ Analysis tools Photonics/Simulation Work         0.15 0.15
171     SEO, SEON-HEE Total 0.05 0.15 0.20
172     SU SC Computing Resources Computing Resources     0.50     0.50
173     SU SC Total 0.50 0.50
174   GR DANNINGER, MATTIAS Physics Filters WIMP Trigger & Filter       0.15   0.15
175     DANNINGER, MATTIAS Total 0.15 0.15
176     JOHANSSON, HENRIK Physics Filters UHE Trigger & Filter       0.10   0.10
177       Simulation Production GRID/Simulation production & development     0.20     0.20
178     JOHANSSON, HENRIK Total 0.20 0.10 0.30
179     SU GR Detector Monitoring Detector Monitoring   0.06       0.06
180     SU GR Total 0.06 0.06
181 SU Total 0.60 0.06 0.70 0.80 0.55 2.71
182 UC SC GROSS, ANDREAS DATA QUALITY, RECONSTRUCTION & SIMULATION TOOLS Data Quality, Reco. & Sim. Tools Coordinator ("Low-level" Analysis Coordinator)         0.50 0.50
183     GROSS, ANDREAS Total 0.50 0.50
184   GR UC GR Detector Monitoring Detector Monitoring   0.02       0.02
185       Run Coordination Flasher Runs   0.10       0.10
186     UC GR Total 0.12 0.12
187 UC Total 0.12 0.50 0.62
188 ULB KE BERTRAND, DANIEL Administration ExecCom member 0.20         0.20
189     BERTRAND, DANIEL Total 0.20 0.20
190     HANSON, KAEL ULB Data Acquisition Data Acquisition   0.20       0.20
191       Engineering and R&D Support EMI/R&D 0.10         0.10
192       TFT Coordination TFT Board member       0.10   0.10
193     HANSON, KAEL ULB Total 0.10 0.20 0.10 0.40
194   PO Marotta, Alberto Core Software Maintain and Operate Database Systems (I3OmDb)     0.20     0.20
195       Simulation Production Computer Cluster - simulation     0.30     0.30
196     Marotta, Alberto Total 0.50 0.50
197   GR ULB GR Detector Monitoring Detector Monitoring   0.03       0.03
198       Physics Filters Study of Tau Filters at South Pole       0.10   0.10
199     ULB GR Total 0.03 0.10 0.13
200 ULB Total 0.30 0.23 0.50 0.20 1.23
201 UMH GR KOHNEN, GEORGE Computing Resources IC database management     0.30     0.30
202       Detector Monitoring Detector Monitoring   0.03       0.03
203     KOHNEN, GEORGE Total 0.03 0.30 0.33
204 UMH Total 0.03 0.30 0.33
205 UOX KE SARKAR, SUBIR Detector Monitoring Detector Monitoring   0.02       0.02
206       Simulation Programs Yellow Book-maintenance         0.10 0.10
207     SARKAR, SUBIR Total 0.02 0.10 0.12
208 UOX Total 0.02 0.10 0.12
209 UU KE BOTNER, OLGA Administration Outreach 0.05         0.05
210         Pubcom Chair 0.40         0.40
211     BOTNER, OLGA Total 0.45 0.45
212     de los HEROS, CARLOS Physics Filters WIMP WG Lead       0.25   0.25
213       TFT Coordination TFT Board member       0.10   0.10
214     de los HEROS, CARLOS Total 0.35 0.35
215     HALLGREN, ALLAN Administration Outreach 0.05         0.05
216         Speakers Comm member 0.10         0.10
217       Engineering and R&D Support Acoustic R&D Support 0.10         0.10
218       Physics Filters online filter development       0.05   0.05
219     HALLGREN, ALLAN Total 0.25 0.05 0.30
220   PO MILLER, JONATHAN Simulation Programs Simulation Programs: photonics         0.05 0.05
221       Detector Calibration Flasher Calibration   0.20       0.20
222     MILLER, JONATHAN Total 0.20 0.05 0.25
223   GR UU GR Detector Monitoring Detector Monitoring   0.03       0.03
224     UU GR Total 0.03 0.03
225     HENRIC, TAAVOLA Physics Filters Online filter development & testing       0.10   0.10
226     HENRIC, TAAVOLA Total 0.10 0.10
227     Strom, Rickard Physics Filters Online filter development & testing       0.10   0.10
228     Strom, Rickard Total 0.10 0.10
229 UU Total 0.70 0.23 0.60 0.05 1.58
230 VUB KE VUB KE Data Quality data quality verification         0.25 0.25
231       Reconstruction/ Analysis tools development of reconstruction tools (IcePack framework)         0.25 0.25
232     VUB KE Total 0.50 0.50
233   PO Strahler, Erik Data Quality verification Deep Core data quality         0.25 0.25
234       Simulation Production simulation of ice properties and DOM sensitivities     0.25     0.25
235     Strahler, Erik Total 0.25 0.25 0.50
236     VUB PO Detector Monitoring Monitoring shifts   0.06       0.06
237     VUB PO Total 0.06 0.06
238     Bose, Debanjan Data Quality verification Deep Core data quality         0.25 0.25
239       Reconstruction/ Analysis tools muon track reconstruction in IceCube and DeepCore, waveform feature extractor         0.25 0.25
240     Bose, Debanjan Total 0.50 0.50
241     Labare, Mathieu Data Quality verification Deep Core data quality         0.12 0.12
242       Physics Filters Filter for Southern sky muons       0.25   0.25
243       Reconstruction/ Analysis tools muon track reconstruction in IceCube and DeepCore         0.12 0.12
244     Labare, Mathieu Total 0.25 0.25 0.50
245     Singh, Kalpana Data Quality verification Deep Core data quality         0.12 0.12
246       Physics Filters Filter for Southern sky muons       0.25   0.25
247       Reconstruction/ Analysis tools muon track reconstruction in IceCube and DeepCore, waveform feature extractor         0.12 0.12
248     Singh, Kalpana Total 0.25 0.25 0.50
249   GR VUB GR Detector Monitoring Detector Monitoring   0.03       0.03
250     VUB GR Total 0.03 0.03
251 VUB Total 0.09 0.25 0.50 1.75 2.59
252 WUPPERTAL KE HELBING, KLAUS Administration Speakers Comm member 0.10         0.10
253       Engineering and R&D Support R&D Lead 0.10         0.10
254     HELBING, KLAUS Total 0.20 0.20
255     WUPPERTAL KE Engineering and R&D Support RFI 0.10         0.10
256     WUPPERTAL KE Total 0.10 0.10
257   PO KARG, TIMO Engineering and R&D Support Acoustic Lead 0.10         0.10
258       Simulation Production Simulation Production     0.20     0.20
259     KARG, TIMO Total 0.10 0.20 0.30
260   GR WUPPERTAL GR Detector Monitoring AURA, SPATS, surface antenna operations (RICE)   0.45       0.45
261         South Pole EMI Monitoring   0.15       0.15
262       Physics Filters New SUSY Filter       0.20   0.20
263       Reconstruction/ Analysis tools New SUSY Reconstruction, Simulation, Propagation, Monopole, Photonics         0.50 0.50
264       Simulation Production Simulation Production     0.20     0.20
265     WUPPERTAL GR Total 0.60 0.20 0.20 0.50 1.50
266 WUPPERTAL Total 0.40 0.60 0.40 0.20 0.50 2.10
267 Grand Total 3.50 4.16 7.55 4.40 8.30 27.91

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