\documentclass[a4paper,10pt]{letter} % common stuff \input{header} % background picture \renewcommand{\emblem}{% \put(55, 10){\includegraphics[width=40mm]{graphics/emblem_detector}} } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % Basic variant % % text for explanation \renewcommand{\explaintext}{ You are a detector, an experiment patiently waiting for signals from outer space. \textbf{First}, write your name on the front. Then check the info about yourself and start looking for \textbf{sources} whose messengers you can detect. Count how many you have detected like so: \includegraphics[height=1em]{graphics/countingmarks}. And any time you're wondering what all these crazy words actually mean, just ask one of the \textbf{physicists}. } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % Basic variant, French % \renewcommand{\explaintext}{ % Vous êtes un détecteur, une expérience attendant patiemment un signal en provenance du cosmos. % \textbf{D'abord}, écrivez votre nom à l'avant. Ensuite, lisez les informations vous concernant et commencez à chercher les \textbf{sources} produisant des messagers que vous êtes capable de détecter. % Comptez le nombre d'observations que vous avez fait comme suit :\includegraphics[height=1em]{graphics/countingmarks}. % À chaque fois que vous vous demandez ce que ces termes un peu barbares signifient, n'hésitez pas à questionner un des \textbf{physiciens} présents. % } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % Variant A % % text for explanation % \renewcommand{\explaintext}{ % You are a detector, an experiment patiently waiting for signals from outer space. % \textbf{First}, write your name on the badge and put on on. Then check the info on this card and ask the \textbf{sources} if they have messengers you can detect. Only show your card when asked! % Count how many you have detected underneath your name, like so: \includegraphics[height=1em]{graphics/countingmarks}. % And any time you're wondering what all these crazy words actually mean, just ask one of the \textbf{physicists}. % } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % Variant B % % % text for explanation % \renewcommand{\explaintext}{ % You are a detector, an experiment patiently waiting for signals from outer space. % \textbf{First}, write your name on the front. Then check the info about yourself and start looking for \textbf{sources} with a messenger you can detect. Then team up with another detector that can detect an additional type of messenger from that source, and both of you have made a multi-messenger detection. Count these like so: \includegraphics[height=1em]{graphics/countingmarks}. % And any time you're wondering what all these crazy words actually mean, just ask one of the \textbf{physicists}. % } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% the pins for the partipiciants ... %% you can generate this part from a database! \begin{document} % experiment location messengers \badge{LIGO} {Hanford \& Livingston, USA} {gravitational waves} \badge{VIRGO} {Pisa, Italy} {gravitational waves} \badge{Fermi} {satellite} {gamma rays} \badge{MAGIC} {La Palma, Canary Islands} {gamma rays, cosmic rays} \badge{VERITAS} {Mount Hopkins, USA} {gamma rays, cosmic rays} \badge{H.E.S.S.} {Khomas Region, Namibia} {gamma rays, cosmic rays} \badge{HAWC} {Sierra Negra volcano, Mexico} {gamma rays, cosmic rays} \badge{ANTARES} {Mediterranean Sea} {neutrinos, cosmic rays} % \explanationpage \badge{IceCube} {glacier, South Pole} {neutrinos, cosmic rays} \badge{ARA} {glacier, South Pole} {neutrinos} \badge{ANITA} {balloon, Antarctica} {neutrinos} \badge{Pierre Auger Observatory} {Mendoza Province, Argentina} {cosmic rays, gamma-rays} \badge{Telescope Array} {Millard County, USA} {cosmic rays} \badge{IceTop} {surface, South Pole} {cosmic rays, gamma rays} \badge{LOFAR} {Netherlands} {radio waves, cosmic rays} \badge{Very Large Array} {Socorro, USA} {radio waves} % \explanationpage \badge{Swift-XRT} {satellite} {X-rays} \badge{MASTER} {worldwide network} {visible light} \badge{Hubble} {satellite} {visible light} \badge{Super-Kamiokande} {Mozumi Mine, Japan} {neutrinos} % doubled from here to fill 5 pages % \badge{LIGO} {Hanford \& Livingston, USA} {gravitational waves} % \badge{VIRGO} {Pisa, Italy} {gravitational waves} % \badge{Fermi} {satellite} {gamma rays} % \badge{MAGIC} {La Palma, Canary Islands} {gamma rays, cosmic rays} % \badge{VERITAS} {Mount Hopkins, USA} {gamma rays, cosmic rays} % \badge{H.E.S.S.} {Khomas Region, Namibia} {gamma rays, cosmic rays} % \badge{HAWC} {Sierra Negra volcano, Mexico} {gamma rays, cosmic rays} % \badge{ANTARES} {Mediterranean Sea} {neutrinos, cosmic rays} % % \explanationpage % \badge{IceCube} {glacier, South Pole} {neutrinos, cosmic rays} % \badge{ARA} {glacier, South Pole} {neutrinos} % \badge{ANITA} {balloon, Antarctica} {neutrinos} % \badge{Pierre Auger Observatory} {Mendoza Province, Argentina} {cosmic rays, gamma-rays} % \badge{Telescope Array} {Millard County, USA} {cosmic rays} % \badge{IceTop} {surface, South Pole} {cosmic rays, gamma rays} % \badge{LOFAR} {Netherlands} {radio waves, cosmic rays} % \badge{Very Large Array} {Socorro, USA} {radio waves} % % \explanationpage % \badge{Swift-XRT} {satellite} {X-rays} % \badge{MASTER} {worldwide network} {visible light} % \badge{Hubble} {satellite} {visible light} % \badge{Super-Kamiokande} {Mozumi Mine, Japan} {neutrinos} % \explanationpage %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % Variant A % \emptypage % \blankpage % \emptypage \end{document}